Briefing session held on the occasion of 10th anniversary of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's field guidance to the apartment buildings for lecturers of Kim Il Sung University


On October 9, Juche 112(2023), a briefing session was held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the field guidance by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un to the apartment buildings for lecturers of Kim Il Sung University.

Present there were the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Pyongyang, officials, teaching staff and students of the university.

The report was presented by Kim Sung Chan, President of Kim Il Sung University and the Minister of Higher Education of DPR Korea.


The report said that the Chairman Kim Jong Il fixed the location of the apartment buildings and had devoted his all to solve the housing problem for the lecturers to the last days of his life; and the respected General Secretary energetically pushed forward the construction project by giving the top priority to the problems arising in the construction including designing, execution, supply of building materials, and he gave the field guidance twice to complete the construction at the highest level.


On October 9, Juche 102(2013), he personally attended the opening ceremony for the apartment buildings to congratulate the lecturers and researchers who would live in the new apartments and posed with them for a souvenir photograph to be handed down from generation to generation.

The report mentioned about the contribution made by all the officials, lecturers and researchers of the university to the economic development of the country and the improvement of people's living standard over the last 10 years by stepping up the intellectual and political education and scientific research work cherishing the love and care of the respected General Secretary.


Kim Sung Chan stressed that all the officials, teaching staff and students should invariably carry on the proud history and tradition of the university which regards the loyalty to the leader as their life and soul and contribute to realization of the Party's grand plan to build up our country into a education power and talents power.