The revolutionary faith firmly cherished in the hearts of the Korean people and service personnel is the conviction that we will surely win as long as we are led by the respected Comrade
Nothing can check the advance of the Korean people who hold the peerless great man in high esteem as the leader of the revolution and cherish the revolutionary faith further strengthened tiding over difficulties.
The Korean people are now recollecting with deep emotion the undying feats of the respected Comrade
The respected Comrade
"Revolution means faith. The road of revolution is pioneered with faith and the faith of a revolutionary should be kept to his dying breath. Abandoning faith means giving up revolution."
A man who has no faith will live a worthless life, merely in conformity with the circumstances and conditions, vacillating in the face of small difficulties.
In order to live a life suited to his intrinsic demands, man must have the ideological support, a faith, to believe and rely on.
The faith of our revolutionaries is the revolutionary faith. The revolutionary faith is the conviction of the validity and victory of the revolutionary cause and the high determination and will to devote everything to the revolutionary cause.
Revolution is the intention and will of the leader, and the revolutionary faith is, in essence, the sincerity and faith in the leader. Revolutionary faith is the life and soul of revolutionaries and it is the touchstone of distinguishing between true revolutionaries and false revolutionaries.
One day the respected Comrade
Listening to the answers of the officials that revolutionary faith is the spirit of believing in and following only the Party and the leader, the respected Comrade
Listening to him, the officials kept in their minds that the revolution will be successful when they cherish firm faith in it.
He continued that the revolutionary faith is the absolute trust in the greatness of the leader, the ardent loyalty to the revolution in support of the Party and the leader, and the invariable will to share life and death with the leader in keeping with conscience in any adversity. He went on to tell the story of the revolutionary faith fully displayed in the history of the Korean revolution.
The lives of Kim Chaek, Kim Il and other first-generation revolutionaries, who were boundlessly faithful to the President, are true models of genuine life and brilliant life that showed in practice how the revolutionary soldiers should live in support of the leader.
They sincerely held the President in high esteem on the basis of pure conscience and obligation, not by any sense of duty.
For revolutionaries who grow up and fight under the warm care of the leader, it is not their duty but their conscience and obligation to respect and hold the leader in high esteem.
The loyalty of the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters to the leader was true and sincere. Their reverence for the leader didn't change either when they were imprisoned or faced death. It was because they had the firm belief that they were proud to die for their leader.
The respected Comrade
Stressing the need for the Korean revolutionaries to cherish revolutionary faith as their lifelong motto, he concluded the precious words on revolutionary faith.
The officials, excited by the precious teachings of the respected Comrade
Today, the greatness of the respected Comrade