
Story of raincoats associated with parental affection


Chairman Kim Jong Il was a benevolent father of the people, who devoted his all to their well-being, regarding "The people are my God" as his lifetime motto.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"General Kim Jong Il was a peerless patriot; he loved his country and fellow people more ardently than anybody else did, and he devoted his whole life to achieving the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people. Thus he performed imperishable exploits that are etched in the history of the country."

Chairman Kim Jong Il did not know satisfaction in the work aimed at providing the people with a happy life, and ensured that every product should be made so that it could be more convenient for the people and favored by them.

On April 15, Juche 92(2003), the Day of the Sun, he again visited the Hamhung Disabled Soldiers' Essential Plastic Goods Factory for the Disabled Soldiers which was far away from Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK.

After exchanging warm greetings with the officials of the factory, he first looked round the raincoat workshop.

Showing him a raincoat, an official told him that the factory was producing raincoats with air holes as instructed by him, and people liked them very much.

The Chairman held one of the products, and expressed his satisfaction with it.

Looking at him wearing a broad smile as if he was imagining the people happy with new raincoats, the officials looked back upon the day when he visited the factory four years ago, with great emotion.

When he found himself in the place where raincoats of various colors were on display, he felt one of them with his fingers and then held the sleeves up and carefully observed the underarm part.

After a while, pointing at the holes in the summer shoes he was wearing, he told the officials that there should be air holes in the underarm parts of vinyl chloride raincoats like his shoes.

He said that the raincoat with air holes will be good for health and could wear for long time because air could pass through well; if there are no air holes, the moist will not escape quickly and the raincoat would stick to the clothes, which was inconvenient for activity; and added if there were air holes in the raincoats, the people would like them.

Listening to what he was saying, the officials of the factory were deeply impressed with his love for people.

Later the factory began to produce the raincoats with air holes in the underarm parts.

Indeed, the heart of the Chairman was filled with the word people, and cherishing warm affection for the people, he devoted his all to their happy life throughout his life, doing everything he could do for them. His affection for the people is still told in socialist Korea.