"It is the trend of the times for the revolutionary people the world over to learn from the great Juche idea of Comrade
Today the Juche Idea is the most perfect guiding idea representing the whole history of ideology of mankind, and serves as a textbook for the life and struggle of the world's people aspiring for independence.
Since the emergence of the organization for the study of the Juche Idea in Mali in 1969, the organizations have expanded rapidly to all continents in Asia, Africa, Europe and America for half a century, and today, beyond the differences of political view, faith, country and region, race and system, learning from
Many progressive people throughout the world are learning the Juche Idea which illuminates the way ahead of mankind and are visiting our country, highly praising it as the home country of the Juche Idea.
Among them was Professor T. B. Mukherjee, Director of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea.
Professor T. B. Mukherjee, who was born in Bihar, India in 1920, is a Doctor of Politics and Literature in India, and a prominent figure who has served as Professor and Vice-President at various Indian universities for more than 40 years.
Mukherjee, who was acquainted with the Juche Idea in the 1970s, has worked energetically in the ranks of the adherents to the Juche Idea since the latter half of the 1970s.
He used to say proudly to his colleagues that his genuine life had begun as he had been acquainted with the Juche Idea and that he was "Juche man".
Mukherjee, who believes in Hindu, the traditional religion of India, likes to connect religious concepts in seeing and judging all matters.
Mukherjee once told his colleagues that Korea is like Makkah to the followers of the Juche Idea, and that, therefore, the visit to Korea is as essential as a pilgrim's visit to "Makkah".
His saying aroused sympathy from his colleagues as he expressed his feeling with religious concepts.
Makkah is a holy place and pilgrimage of Islam in Saudi Arabia.
It is said that Muslims regard it as their religious duty and the greatest pleasure to visit a pilgrim place from their religious beliefs, and seek spiritual comfort and deepen their faith through the pilgrimage of Makkah.
As Muslims patrol their holy place, the followers of the Juche Idea regard Korea, the mother country of the Juche Idea, as their own "Makkah" and believe that they can gain ideological and spiritual wealth through their visits to Korea, reach a noble spiritual standpoint and consolidate their faith in independence.
In fact, he often said that his ideological and spiritual wealth increased on every visit to Korea.
He wanted to meet President
Mukherjee used to say that he was a disciple of India who had grown up under the leadership of
During his repeated visits to Korea, he decided to write a book about the Juche-oriented truth.
Thus, in 1982, " The Social, Economic, and Political Ideas of the Great President
The publication of this book created sensation among the readers.
In particular, the book "Juche View on Human Life" gave full play to his academic stage of the Juche Idea reached by his constant quest.
The national commission for academic awards of the People's Central Committee of the DPRK conferred doctorate in philosophy on him by assessing his contribution.
All this could be said to be the fruit of his pilgrimages to "Makkah".
Mukherjee's visit to Korea was a process of cherishing the truth of the Juche Idea more deeply and, at the same time, achieving ideological and spiritual growth.
After his election as a director of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea in 1980, Mukherjee regarded it as a vital requirement to visit Korea for the study and dissemination of the Juche Idea in Asia.
He believed that although the International Institute of the Juche Idea is located in Japan and the regional institutes of the Juche Idea are located in India and France, the International Institute of the Juche Idea, the regional institutes and the research organizations of each country should work with Korea as the origin as the "Makkah" of the Juche idea followers is Korea.
He visited our country on nine occasions from May 1980 to September 1988.
Mukherjee considered that the Juche Idea was the only real truth which man should follow.
So he told his colleagues:
"If you want to visit paradise, go to Korea.
If you want to believe in god, believe in President
This is not an impromptu word from his extraordinary romantic and passionate character, but his new outlook on life fascinated by the Juche Idea.
In the new century, too, a lot of people throughout the world are highly praising and following the Juche Idea as the eternal guiding idea representing the present era and the future of mankind, and our country is shining more brilliantly as the home country of the Juche Idea.
Today, the Juche Idea is shining more brilliantly as
The cause of global independence and socialism will surely emerge victorious as long as the respected Comrade