His warm love for the people is associated with the coal briquette used by the inhabitants as fuel.
One day in December Juche 54(1965) the President called for a senior official and an official who was responsible for the fuel supply to the inhabitants to learn about the coal briquette which would be used as fuel.
The officials who arrived at the office under his call were surprised.
In one of his cabinets was a frame of hand-punching coal machine, a block of coal briquette taken by the machine and a pair of coal briquette forceps.
In those days, most dwelling houses were using powdered coal instead of coal briquette.
In order to use powdered coal, it was necessary to build a coal box in a kitchen seat and beat coal and mud, and to clean the dusty kitchen every morning and evening, it was a great deal of labor for the families.
Considering the inconvenience of people, he gave the officials the task of introducing coal briquette in order to relieve the burden of women keeping the kitchen clean all the time.
When the President was visiting a certain province for inspection, he found that the residents there were using coal briquette, so he took one sample for the Pyongyang citizens.
Then when he learnt the fact that the introduction of a coal briquette in Pyongyang was not progressing well, he told the officials to keep the existing coal briquette factories operational and at the same time, instructed them to launch a campaign to produce a coal briquette at homes by their own efforts.
Carrying out his instructions, the officials immediately took measures to mass-produce and disseminate coal briquette machines for domestic use.
After a while, the coal briquette machine was widely spread and provided to every household.
The women were rejoiced over the use of coal briquette. They said that the kitchen work seemed to be half easier than the past.
One day in March Juche 55(1966) when they gave an art group performance in front of the President, they even put on the stage a programme called "coal briquette is good" reflecting their delight.
Seeing the performance, the President said that women were now delighted, but the husbands were making a lot of efforts to make coal briquettes, adding that men were making coal briquette at the moment but in the future, the factory should produce all the coal briquette and supply it to each household.
The President also gave instructions to the officials that the factory should not be built on a large scale, but should be small units so as to ease the shortage of manpower, equipment, means of transport and various other problems and at the same time, ensure the supply of briquettes in keeping with the demand.
He visited the newly-built Namsindong Coal briquette Factory in Pyongyang and went round the production process one by one, inspecting the coal briquette supply system.
He understood the organization of labor, working hours and methods of supply of coal briquette, and instructed the officials to set working hours convenient for housewives.
Afterwards the coal briquette manufacture plants were deployed in all districts in Pyongyang, and the work to produce briquettes of high quality was pushed forward and a supply system was established for each house. As a result, every household in Pyongyang was supplied with coal briquette.
The instruction of coal briquette was a great change in the life of the Pyongyang citizens.
Under the President's energetic guidance to provide people with cleaner and more cultured living conditions, the Pyongyang Thermal Power Plant was built.
As a result, the central heating system was introduced at homes and people could cook food with gas, thus providing the Pyongyang citizens with more civilized and happy living conditions.
Indeed, the President was the tender-hearted father of the Korean people who took tender care of the people freeing Korean women from heavy burdens of housework.