
High Spot Indicator for Dental Restoration


In dentistry, to make restorations such as crowns, inlays, onlays and bridges, we need several processes and materials.

Several processes including setting, heating and cooling induces dimensional change of dental materials.

Also almost all the materials such as impression material, modeling material, wax, investment material and the other metals have their original dimensional change.

Thatʼs why dental restorations are not accurate. Therefore fit checking is essential.

If there is only one high spot, the crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays can not be inserted correctly. So it is very important to find and remove such high spot in dentistry.

In the dental material department, Pyongyang Medical College, Kim Il Sung University high spot color indicator for dental restorations have been developed.

High spot indicator is a contact color for testing the accurate fit of crowns, inlays, onlays and clasps.

It consists of color 20.41~22.07%, aceton 65.03~66.3%, zinc stearic 11.83~14.55%.

The solvent evaporates in four seconds, leaving a thin film 3.76±0.32㎛ thick.

Every contact destroys the color skin exactly at the point of contact(Pressure to the color skin has to be higher than 31.05±0.24g/mm2).

The base material then shines clearly through and high spots can easily be detected.

As a result, efficiency for fit checking was 93.3%.

High spot indicator can also be used to test high spots on highly polished occlusal surfaces such as gold or ceramic. The food dye contained in high spot indicator is completely safe.

High spot indicator can be applied with a brush.

High spot indicator can be easily removed after use. Hot water, mechanical friction (toothbrush or dental floss), alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and steaming will also loosen residual color deposits.

Now we are trying to develop high spot spray which is easy to handle and leaves a thiner colored film.