There are many famous politicians in the world history of politics, but none of them, had such a great political philosophy as that of President
Politics can fulfil its mission of leading the development of society and revolution straight along the road only when it has the most correct political philosophy that elucidates its rationale.
"Belief in the masses of the people as masters of the revolution and construction and reliance on their strength have constituted my political philosophy. I think this factor has enabled me to devote all my life to the people."
Belief in the popular masses as the masters of the revolution and construction and reliance on their strength is the political faith and philosophy worshiped by the President, and this enabled him to devote all his life to the people.
From the first days of his revolutionary career, the President advanced the idea of believing in the people as in Heaven on the basis of a scientific analysis of the position and role of the popular masses in the revolution and construction.
The President's political philosophy of believing in the popular masses as the masters of the revolution and construction and relying on the strength of the popular masses is being brilliantly embodied in our revolutionary practice, thus displaying his great vitality.
In the past century, when some socialist countries were experiencing political twists and turns, a model of the politics of love and trust, benevolent politics was created in our country and a new history of genuine politics for the popular masses started thanks to the political philosophy of the President which reflects the most accurately the demand and desire of the popular masses for independence and scientifically illuminates the road of struggle in our country.
Indeed, President's political philosophy made our people the most dignified and proud people in the world under the politics of love and trust, benevolent politics, and our country fully demonstrated its invincible might as a politico-ideological power to the whole world.