It is a unanimous desire and wish of the humankind to enjoy a peaceful and stable life in the world with no war and terror.
This desire and wish can be realized only through the active struggle to defend the peace and security of the world.
It is an important problem directly connected to the peace and security of the world to ensure peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and the rest of Northeast Asia.
Tense situation is prevailing the Korean Peninsula due to the moves of the USA and its followers to isolate and suffocate the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). It is none other than the Songun politics, the unique mode of politics, which plays an important role in guaranteeing the peace and security on the Korean Peninsula today.
The great General
"Our Songun politics, which stands against the imperialists' policies of invasion and war and for the independence of the country and nation, arouses great sympathy among the progressive peoples of the world and greatly contributes to global peace and the cause of mankind's independence."
The Songun politics is a mode of politics to defend the country's sovereignty and nation's security in reliance on our powerful self-defense capabilities by giving priority to the military affairs and strengthening the People's Army, and the unique political mode of our own style to speed up the overall socialist construction by the method of standing the people's army as the core and model.
Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) is the politics not to invade or threaten any other country but to defend the sovereignty of our country and nation, to speed up the peaceful construction and to make contributions to defending the peace and stability of the world.
Songun politics is, first of all, not the politics for the purpose of aggression and war against other countries but the one to defend the country's sovereignty by strengthening our self-defense capabilities.
There has been a traditional habit of regarding the army and military affairs as the means of war and simply take the meaning of strengthening the military power as a conception contrary to peace.
As a Korean proverb says, one should fight fire with fire. As it says, if there is a powerful means to punish war hysterics of war maniacs who insist on the "almighty of force" and wield power, it is definitely the strong armed forces.
The reason why we pursue Songun politics is to defend the sovereignty of the country and nation, security of our fatherland and prevent a war and safeguard the peace and security on the Korean peninsula.
So long as there exist imperialism and dominationism, and the aggressive forces who hold sway over other countries and nations and solve the regional problems by force from the stand of dominationism, the only way to defend one's country and nation and to defend peace and stability is to develop one's strength.
Historically, the wild ambition of imperialists and dominationist forces for world supremacy has been an important cause of regional wars and infringement upon peace and stability.
The two world wars which were caused by the territorial ambition of the imperialism can be taken as examples.
To tell the truth, the wars ignited under the pretext of "counter-terrorism" in Afghanistan and Iraq after the end of "cold war" are typical manifestation of the ambition of the imperialist and dominationist forces for world supremacy.
Under the condition that imperialist and dominationist forces exist and their military power has been used as the means of disturbance of peace, the guarantee of defending peace and stability is found in the preparation of a powerful deterrence which can frustrate their ambition.
It is the truth proved by human history so far that peace is guaranteed not by words but by force of arms.
As there exist peace wreckers who intend to depress the other countries depending on power politics, though making much ado about peace right now, it is our viewpoint and standpoint that peace should be defended only by strength.
The purpose of our Songun politics is to defend the sovereignty of our country and nation, maintain peace and stability by actively standing up to aggression and interference of imperialists and dominationist forces, and to guarantee the peaceful environment for our socialist construction.
Songun politics is, secondly, the mode of politics to speed up the peaceful building by setting up the army as the main force of revolution and construction, not regarding it as no more than armed forces.
In any social movement the subject is man, that is, the popular masses.
One of the important problems in raising the strength of the popular masses is to enhance enthusiasm and leading role of the main force, the hard core forming the masses. In any case, the enthusiasm of the popular masses can be aroused to full play by stimulating idea and by enhancing the role of the main force, the main group.
Songun politics is a unique mode of politics to arouse the revolutionary enthusiasm of working people to a higher degree by making all social members learn after the revolutionary spirit, organizational spirit and the sense of discipline of the army.
Our Party puts forward the army as a shock brigade, standard-bearer for the building of a thriving country as well as the forces defending the fatherland and peace to let them make a breakthrough and set an example in the arduous and difficult fields of socialist construction.
As the world knows, our people's army is being mobilized to the peaceful building, unlike the army in western countries.
Now the soldiers of the Korean People's Army are contributing their efforts to the construction under the slogan of "Let's take charge of the socialist construction as well as national defense!"
The construction of Anbyon Youth Power station in which the revolutionary soldier spirit was created was undertaken by the soldiers and it is our soldiers that are performing merits of labour in building the people's recreation centres, the land levelling and rezoning, and especially in the construction of Huichon Power Station.
This means that the Songun politics of the WPK that gives priority to the military affairs and stands the army in the front is the politics to speed up the peaceful building by the united strength of the army and people, regarding the army not only as the force of defending the country but as the main force of socialist construction because we are standing face to face with the allied forces of imperialism.
Songun politics is, thirdly, the mode of politics to provide with the real guarantee to prevent a war on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia.
The cause of wars in some regions and countries lies in the destruction of the equilibrium of forces.
This is evidenced by the fact that as the confrontationl structure between the former Soviet Union and America vanished and the cold war ended, a lot of national conflicts and regional wars were caused.
Security, peace and stability on the Korean peninsula today are attributable to the Songun politics which has provided our nation with powerful defence capabilities to maintain the balance of power.
Recently, the US and its vassal forces have been stubbornly following the policy to crush our Republic by force.
The US and the allied forces of imperialism have continued to introduce ultra-modern military hardware and its vicinity and stage large-scale military exercises every year, letting loose bellicose remarks such as "surgical strike" and "punishment".
In this situation, it becomes an inevitable issue to strengthen our defense power further as well as hold up high the ideal of peace in order to deter a war and ensure durable peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in northeast Asia.
As the Songun politics is the mode of politics of giving top priority to the strengthening of the military forces, it is a reasonable mode of politics to reinforce the national defense capabilities and defend peace against the war policy and military power buildup of the US war maniacs.
If it had not been for the Songun politics, a war would have broken out on the Korean peninsula long ago and Northeast Asia would have suffered from nuclear disaster.
Therefore, many people are praising our Songun politics saying that "without the invincible Songun politics, our whole territory would have been plunged into the sea of flames and we would have been annihilated by Yankees."
Our people has proved the truth through their real experiences that the sovereignty and the bright future of our nation will be guaranteed only when we go along the way of Songun.
We will, in the future too, advance holding aloft the banner of Songun and defend the peace and stability of the world as well as the peace on the Korean peninsula and in northeast Asia.