
The New "Wing" Provided for Mortar Men


President Kim Il Sung said:

"To treasure and love the soldiers is the duty of the commanders of a revolutionary army and the demand of our Party."

During the Fatherland Liberation War, President Kim Il Sung took measures to strengthen the gunfire in conformity with the requirements of modern warfare and the specific situation of our country with a lot of mountains, and he showed constant love and solicitude to the soldiers of the People's Army who directly handled the gun.

One day in July, Juche 40(1951), the President met the mortar men who were passing a high hill.

When he saw them making their way up the steep hill with the dismantled 82-mm mortars on their shoulders, he was lost in thought as if he measured the weight of the burden on their shoulders and back.

After returning to the supreme headquarters, the President called an official and told him that the soldiers, burdened with 82-mm mortars and shells, were physically demanding and the commanding officers should take good care of them and have the wit to ease their physical burden.

While talking about the fact that they had burdened the horses with weapons and ammunition during the anti-Japanese armed struggle, the President suggested it made it possible to lighten the burden of the soldiers and climb the mountains easily so as to speed up the movement of units that the mortars and shells were carried on the packsaddles in conformity with the topographical conditions of our country with a lot of mountains and rivers.

Then he pointed out how to make the packsaddles, saying that they should be comfortably made for two purposes-one for mortar and the other for shells and that it would be good to take account of making ox-packsaddles.

The love of the President, who was trying to lighten the burden of the soldiers was endless.

Afterwards, he personally saw the model packsaddle and completed it without any inconveniences.

The President, looking at the completed packsaddle, said that there would not be any trouble with the forced march, and that if we had made this earlier, we would have already relieved the soldiers of heavy loads.

It was none other than the President who paid close attention to making the packsaddles at the earliest date in order to ease the heavy burden of the soldiers when they carried mortars and shells by themselves, and felt sorry for not providing them even a day earlier when they were completed.

Thanks to the President's great love and warm care for the soldiers, the packsaddles were supplied to the mortar units of the People's Army, and the mortar men were able to strike the mortal blow at the enemy by managing to move through rugged mountain pass.

The packsaddles, which greatly contributed to the victory of the war!

Indeed, the packsaddles could be said like the "wing" of mortar men which was provided by President Kim Il Sung who regarded the soldiers as his own sons and daughters, and the great power of the love was the driving force which enabled them to accomplish great achievement in every battle field.