
Even concerned for women's fancy items


The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il burnt himself with his strong will and superman's energy for the prosperity of the country and happiness of the people all his life.

He used to say that his joy always lies in the happiness of the people, and he does not mind anything if the people can live happily and well, conducting a politics of love for people.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"General Kim Jong Il did all what he can do throughout his life to improve the people's standard of living."

In the last period of his great life, too, General Kim Jong Il showed ardent love and devotion for the people.

On May 6, Juche 100(2011), he visited the Rangnang Ponghwa Garment Factory which had its production processes upgraded to produce various quality goods badly needed for women.

Guided by an official, General Kim Jong Il headed for the production site. After being briefed on the history of the factory, he went to the room dedicated to the history of the factory and the photos of labor innovators before visiting the room with various kinds of quality goods for women on display.

In the display room, he expressed his satisfaction at the varieties of women's fancy items produced in the factory, saying that there seemed to be all kinds of fancy items for women of different age groups.

Looking at the trademark 《Mindulle》 attached to the products on display, General Kim Jong Il said that the goods should be packed well.

Then an official told General Kim Jong Il about how happy the women were with their products, and that the factory was called《Mindulle》 Factory after the trademark 《Mindulle》. Hearing that, he expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the factory was called 《Mindulle》 Factory after the trademark and said that the factory seemed to be loved by women.

He continued that he felt best when he heard of the happiness of people.

He used to find his pleasure in the joy of the people and felt the pride and pleasure of making a revolution amid the happiness of the people.

Looking very pleased that another precious treasure was created for our women, he acquainted himself with all the production processes of the factory. He was pleased that the factory was designing various types of clothes including underwear with the help of design-aid programme, even equipped with an automatic embroidery machine and that all the equipment were modern, producing quality items.

Noting that now there is a prospect for solving the problem of women's fancy items, he said that the production and supply of clothes, including those badly needed for women, had been a matter of great concern for the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and that he also had concerned much about this problem in the past. He praised that the officials in the light industrial sector worked hard to make his dream come true.

Already on February 18, Juche 100 (2011), when he was having a look at the women's underwear samples, he had said that our women would be very happy when they were provided with those goods, it was a good thing to sell women's fancy items in all the commercial chains in Pyongyang, and had given them valuable teachings concerning the fund for the supply of raw materials, the foreign trade activities concerned, and the quality of consumer goods.

That day he went round all the production processes, saying that the factory should put its production on a normal basis with the modern equipment provided, produce a larger quantity of various kinds of clothes for women, including fancy items. He went on to say that in order to keep the factory going, it was important to rely on home-made raw materials, not imported ones.

He continued: The Rakrang Ponghwa Garment Factory should take good care of the equipment created by its painstaking efforts, organize its management in a more scrupulous way, make technical innovations and raise the technical skills of the workers and technicians so as to improve the quality of the products.

General Kim Jong Il said in a gentle voice that it would be a good idea to rename the trademark, and that fancy items should be of a noble and soft color in keeping with the women's age-specific tastes and should be diversified.

He had a memorial photo taken with them before leaving, and wished them a good health.

Later, when he was visiting the second Pyongyang Department Store No. 1 commodity exhibition on July10, Juche 100 (2011), he again stressed the need to produce more goods badly needed for women and to sell them as demanded.

Afterwards, all the officials, technicians and workers of the factory kindled the flames of a great upsurge in production, producing a lot of attractive and high-quality women's fancy items of various forms, colors and decorative methods, styles, marked with the trademark《PongSonHwa》.

Today the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is walking the road of love for the people, the road of devotion, instead of him.

Thanks to Comrade Kim Jong Un who is devoting himself to bring earlier the prosperity of the country together with the people, the loving care and benevolence of General Kim Jong Il will continue.