
Construction Of Dwelling Houses In The Democratic People's Republic Of Korea Is Purely For The Well-Being Of The People


Construction of dwelling houses is conducted in any country, and its characteristic depends on what kind of social system a country has and whom construction of dwelling houses is done for.

Songhwa Street
Photo. Night view of Songhwa Street

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"This large-scale house-building programme introduced by our Party and state is not designed for the pursuit of financial profit; it is an ennobling undertaking to turn the state's assets and the fruits of their creative labour into benefits for the working masses."

The following clearly show that construction of dwelling houses in the DPRK is purely aimed to promote the well-being of the people.

Firstly, the Workers' Party of Korea and the government of the DPRK put forward the construction of flats for the people as their foremost policy.

In general, construction includes various projects such as industrial construction, land development, etc. in addition to building houses and cultural and welfare facilities for the well-being of people. Among them, construction for the promotion of people's well-being is one of the important factors that define the popular characteristic of construction.

Recently, the main focus of construction in the DPRK has been on the construction for the promotion of the people's well-being while pushing ahead with industrial construction and land development simultaneously to consolidate economic foundations of the country.

Housing is the most important issue that people show the greatest interest in, and providing enough good houses for the people is of primary important in having the people themselves feel the benefit of the socialist system from the heart. The core of the construction policy set forth in the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea is to turn the DPRK into the first country where housing problem will be completely solved.

Every year, a very large part of the state's general budget for construction is allocated for building dwelling houses. The historic 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea set forth a task of solving the housing problem by building 50 000 flats in the capital city, Pyongyang, during the Five-Year Plan.

Economic conditions of the DPRK are unfavourable due to the brutal sanctions imposed by the US and its followers, but the construction of dwelling houses for the people continues to be a top priority, which can be possible only in the DPRK where the people-first politics is implemented.

Secondly, dwelling houses are distributed free of charge by the state among the working people in the DPRK.

Many dwelling places may be built in any country. However, if high prices are charged for them, it can never be for the masses of people. In capitalist countries, prices of dwelling houses are far too high for average working people not to think of buying one, and a great number of people live on streets or in miserable housing conditioins.

Contrary to capitalist countries, construction of dwelling houses in the DPRK is purely for the working people.

Modern flats on Songhwa Street which sprang up in 2022 were all distributed free of charge among average working people, including 400 workers from the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill, hundreds of workers from the Pyongyang Thermal Power Plant and many other workers from the Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Complex, the Pyongyang General Passenger Transport Enterprise and other factories and enterprises in Pyongyang.

They are all average weavers, engine drivers, road keepers and builders. In a capitalist society, average workers, who are regareded as talking tools, would not even dream of living in luxurious flats like those in beautiful Kyongru-dong, located in the centre of the capital of the DPRK.

All these facts clearly prove that construction of dwelling houses in the DPRK is purely for the working people.

Thirdly, construction of dwelling houses in the DPRK is gathering speed and its form and content are also being developed day by day.

In recent years, large streets have been completed in a very short period of time and the size of streets has continued to increase each year. For example, 10 000 flats on Songhwa Street, which is much larger in size than Ryomyong Street, the Pothonggang terraced residential district, and thousands of dwelling houses in Komdok area were all completed within a single year.

In addition, construction in the DPRK has been developing rapidly in terms of its content and forms.

It is the firm will of the Workers' Party of Korea to provide the best civilization to the people who are the most excellent in the world. Thanks to this, dwelling houses built in the DPRK are all comfortable, beautiful and modern in every aspect. What makes this possible is the energetic and outstanding leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un. He has been devoting himself to the construction of high-quality buildings for the people.

During the construction of Songhwa Street, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un reviewed more than 1 000 plans. This figure is a perfect example of his hard work for promoting the well-being of the people.

Finally, the government of the DPRK is also concentrating on construction for reducing the differences between urban and rural areas and enabling people in rural areas to enjoy a cultured life.

In accordance with the policy of the Workers' Party of Korea on improving construction in provinces, Samjiyon has recently been built into a wonderful, ideal standard model of a modern mountainous town in a short period of time. As a result, with Samjiyon as a good example, a new era of improving construction in provinces has come in the DPRK, and the building of modern dwelling houses in rural areas has been making good progress.

Thanks to the people-centered construction policy of the Workers' Party of Korea, the gap between urban and rural areas in the DPRK will be closed in the near future, so that the provincial people will also be able to enjoy a civilized life to their heart's content.