
The National Dog, Korean Phungsan Dog


Korean Phungsan Dog, the living monument, is the national dog of Korea.

The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung said that Korean Phungsan Dog is very famous, for it's a clever dog, which has all peculiar characters as a Korean dog.

1. Breed history of Korean Phungsan Dog

1.1 The origin of Korean Phungsan Dog

Some kinds of wolves living in the primeval forest millions of years ago were gradually evolved into the domestic dogs 10 thousands years ago.

Through the tomb murals in the period of Koguryo we can find that the Korean people have already used the phungsan-type hunting dogs for hunting since 4th century.

It means that Korean Phungsan Dog has been used as a hunting dog with its complete feature since about a thousand of years earlier than Jindo which was considered to be originated in 13th century.

Korean Phungsan Dog which was adapted to the environment and climate in the territory of the DPRK and Manchuria in China, gradually went down to the south or cross over to Japan, forming the genetic foundation stock of the other spitz-type dogs.

1.2. The preservative history of Korean Phungsan Dog

The Hong Bom Do Volunteer Army, organized by hunters in Phungsan region, hunted not only the wild animals but also Japanese soldiers and actively used the brave and quick hunting dogs for guard, fighting and protection.

The Great Leader Kim Il Sung considered carrying the heritage of national culture as an important matter and took a step to preserve the historic remains and relics by promulgating the law of the People`s Committee.

On April 9th, Juche 45(1956) the Great Leader published the Ministry Decision №.93 that Korean Phungsan Dog would be registered as natural monument №.368.

According to guidance of the Great Leaders in Juche 47(1958) and Juche 52(1963), Kwangdokri in Phungsan county of Ryangkwang Province was designated as a monument reserve in Juche 57(1968), and the stock breeding farm of Korean Phungsan Dog was built in Juche 64(1975).

It was registered again as a monument by Ministry Ratification №.66 in Juche 69(1980).

The Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un designated it as the national dog on November 7th, Juche 103(2014), appearing on the stage as a Korean typical living monument.

2. The breed characteristics of Korean Phungsan Dog

Korean Phungsan Dog is a typical hunting dog which adapted to mountainous area in the territory of the DPRK. The anatomy of this breed is well suit to harsh northern climate.

2.1. Shape

This breed has a mesocephalic skull.

Dark brown eyes are almond-shaped, look like having a double eyelid and contrast with white hair. Lively, dark and medium-size eyes express gentle, but keen temperament.

Relatively small, erect ears are triangular, set high and stand towards front.

Nose is dark at birth, but often turns blackish red or brownish pink as growing.

On muzzle dark pores are arranged, swollen and stretch out long tactile hairs.

Neck is thick, muscled with mane. Chest is deep and wide. This has strong compact trunk. Four legs are straight and muscled and the line of back is horizontality.

Thick, strong tail curls over back. Small, round, tight foot is a garlic of one bulb-shaped.

Coat colors are white or yellowish white.

2.2. Size

The length of female is 55~58cm, male is 57~60cm and the heights are 47~49cm, 49~52cm. The chest girth is 63~69cm.

The weight ranges are 18~22kg, 20~24kg and the top is 28kg.

The average weight at birth is about 350g.

2.3. Temperament

This breed is a clever, assiduous, brave and swift. It is usually gentle and obedient to its owner, but fearless when it hunts large game such as bear, wild boar and deer.

When they find a big game they rush, surround and hold it collectively, barking until the hunter arrives. This retains the instinct to nip. This liberalistic breed is not easy to obedience train, but usually good with children and deeply submissive to its human family. This needs lots of physical exercise and requires minimal grooming.

Also it make a well-living in cold climate, especially have a great disease resistance.

This breed is a superb hunter, a fine watchdog and promising companion.