
Effect Of Sound Wave of 1/f Fluctuation Signal on EEG α-α interval Fluctuation


1/f Fluctuation is rhythmical wave that power spectrum density is inversely proportional to frequency. That is PSD=1/f. Effect of 1/f fluctuation on ECG R-R interval fluctuation is examined but effect of 1/f fluctuation on EEG α-α interval fluctuation and the mechanism at level of cell membrane yet is not investigated.

Also effect of electromagnetic wave of 1/f fluctuation on ECG R-R interval fluctuation is investigated, but effect of sound wave of 1/f fluctuation signal on EEG α-α interval fluctuation is not investigated. On the other hand person dislikes to electromagnetic wave.

Therefore we compared study and analysed effect of sound wave of 1/f fluctuation and electromagnetic wave of 1/f fluctuation on EEG α-α interval fluctuation and stability of cell membrane.

Our effect speaks, sound wave and electromagnetic wave of 1/f fluctuation increase to normalcy decreasing slope(β-value) of EEG α-α interval fluctuation after of mental work or at the time geomagnetic perturbation(disturbance). Therefore stabile sound wave of 1/f fluctuation can widely apply.

On the other hand, slope (β-value) of EEG α-α interval fluctuation is irritable (sharp) indication reflecting condition (situation) of brain. Namely EEG α wave frequency 9.41±0.05 Hz before, 9.07±0.08Hz, nearly no change t0 96.3% but slope(β-value) of EEG α-α interval fluctuation 0.201±0.032 before, 0.310±0.107 after increase to 154.1%. 1/f fluctuation signal also increases to 34~38% stability of cell membrane (Membrane osmotic resistance).

We are intensify of research for application of this study result in clinical action.