"Through their history spanning 5 000 years our people have created cultural wealth of which we can boast to the rest of the world."
From olden times, Korean people enjoy eating dog meat soup to overcome heat and add nutrition in the hottest period of summer.
In particular, Hamgyong Province has been well known for cooking good dog meat soup.
Today, as Koreans' folk dish, its unique taste still further improves thanks to the parental affection of Chairman
In March and April, Juche 99(2010), he personally made himself a benevolent teacher to give officials a tip for improving the flavor of dog meat soup.
He said that a tip for cooking good dog meat soup was how to boil water and how to make the tasty broth, adding that seasoning powder or sugar should not be used for making the broth tasty. His teaching went on: it is skill to make the broth tasty without using sugar or seasoning powder; the broth should look good with yellowish oil floating lightly; when it is the same as the colour of beef-broth, it is well done; dog meat soup should be thick enough to be mantled with skim after a certain time; dog meat soup tastes good, only when it is boiled with all of the entrails; other oils should not be added when the broth is boiled. In this way, he concretely explained about the cooking method and emphasized that study should be deepened to cook dog meat soup in a unique way.
Saying that in the past, people from Phyongan Province put lots of bean paste into dog meat soup saying that it got rid of bloody smell, he mentioned that the soup with bean paste tasted not good so that it should not be used to improve the unique taste of dog meat soup.
He pointed out that preparing was important to remove the bloody and impure smell from dog meat dish, and that if meat was put in the running water to draw blood, the bad smells would be removed.
He added that boiled millet was good to eat with dog meat soup, so it became the traditional dietary practice of the Korean nation to eat boiled millet with dog meat soup.
In this way, Chairman
Bearing in mind the Chairman's parental affection, Korean people are actively sustaining the traditional dietary practice with the pride and self-confidence that Korean folk food is the best in the world.