
Legend of love born with the triplets of liberated Korea


The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"The world knows no such leaders as our great Generalissimos who, calling children the kings of the country, ensured that caring for them was the most important of the affairs of the Party and state, and devoted their whole lives to the good of the children."

In the DPR Korea, the history of great love and care of the Party and the state for the triplets that are envied by the world people began in the early years after the country's liberation thanks to President Kim Il Sung, who was possessed of ardent love for the coming generations.

It was on the morning of 18 July Juche 36(1947).

President Kim Il Sung happened to receive a delightful report that triplets were born in Sungho, Kangdong County. Upon hearing the news, President Kim Il Sung said that the birth of triplets is an auspicious event and that from ancient times it was a sign of a prosperous country, expressing his ardent wish that the triplets would grow up to be the pillars and beams of the country.

In admiration of the President, who was so pleased about the birth of triplets with a bright smile on his face, the attendant official was deeply moved.

The President instructed to the official, who was standing beside with red-rimmed eyes, to immediately take measures to bring up the triplets well and take good care of the mother, adding that they should be put under full charge of doctors and nurses so that they can take responsible care of the health of the triplets and the mother.

Reporting the news about the triplets to the President, the official did not expect that the President would be so pleased with it that he would instruct to put the mother and triplets under charge of a private doctor and nurses.

To reassure, the President repeatedly emphasized and earnestly instructed to get firsthand information of the living and residential conditions of the families of triplets before taking appropriate measures and to supply them with nutrients, clothes and beddings necessary for the upbringing of triplets so as to bring them up to be strong.

With a broad smile on his face, the President said, full of affection, that, in future, the state should take special care of triplets and mothers in a responsible manner.

Such warm and benevolent loving care of President Kim Il Sung has been fixed by the law of our state thus establishing, in an orderly manner, the system of state healthcare and upbringing of triplets in our country.

In our country, women who have been diagnosed as triplet gravid are hospitalized in Pyongyang Maternity Hospital for several months to give easy childbirth, and the babies are brought up in the maternity hospital until they weigh 4 kg. Even after leaving Pyongyang Maternity Hospital in good health, triplets grow up under scientific and comprehensive life and health care system thanks to the state medical checkup and health management system comprising provincial pediatric hospitals and clinics. Triplets are also provided, free of charge, with clothing, beddings, dairy products and other things for a certain period and the health of triplets and their mothers are under exclusive charge of doctors and nurses. From birth until they finish middle schools, triplets are provided with special monthly subsidies and are prioritized in food supply and allotment of dwelling houses.

Picture. Triplets leaving the hospital

Indeed, thanks to the warm love incessantly bestowed on the younger generations in our country, where peerlessly great men are cherished as the father of a big family, children of the socialist Korea are growing up to be pillars who will shoulder the future of a prosperous country, singing the song "We Are the Happiest in the World!"