In Height Research Section, Hygiene Faculty, Pyongyang Medical College,
Upholding the boundless goodwill of the future loving of the dear respected comrade
They extracted useful elements from the oyster-shell powders and emery powder which it was abundant in the Korea and processed it to be possible in absorption and elaboration.
And then they added the processed red yeast to them, which it had β–carotene in high content.
They found reasonable combination ratios for the essential nutrition elements which were always deficit in the human body, and took experiment on rat, which was needed for replenishment as health foodstuff.
The group in dose of essential mineral vitamin nutrition complex had remarkable higher marks than the group in non dose. The marks was as followed; the body weight 110.6±2.6㎏, the circumference of the chest 107.2±1.5㎝, the lower leg length 104.9±1.3㎝, the brachium length 106.3±1.4㎝.
We'll take further research to make growth accelerator to promote the development and growth of the Korean juveniles on the basis of these results in the future and we also expect cooperation research in this field.