It is the unanimous will and desire of all countries and nations in the world to build a dignified and prosperous power. However, this does not come true of its own accord. History and reality show that the greatness of the leader and ideology is the guarantee for the prosperity of a nation, however small it may be.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is vigorously stepping up the general onward march to achieve the final victory in the building of a thriving socialist nation holding aloft the banner of the great Juche Idea, Songun Idea under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade
It was the lifetime will of the great President
And it is a firm will and faith of the respected Comrade
The Korean people's struggle to build a thriving socialist country is a grand and worthwhile struggle to build a country which has a strong national power and is prosperous and where the people envy nothing in the world.
It is also a gigantic and sacred undertaking to bring about a new era of prosperity and to reach the high peak of socialism.
The course of building a thriving socialist nation in the DPRK has its peculiar characteristics in view of its strategy, driving force, way of creation and class character, etc.
First, it is the course of advancing straight forward along the road of independence, the road of Songun and the road of socialism.
The respected Comrade
"The permanent strategy of our revolution and its final victory lie in going straight along the road of independence, the road of Songun and the road of socialism, as indicated by President
The road of independence is the one and only right path to building a thriving nation. Without independence, it is impossible to think about a thriving nation.
A power is not merely a country with large territory, huge population and developed economy but a country which regards independence as its lifeline and firmly maintains independent stand in whatever situations. Even a small country strong in independence can be a power.
The DPRK has put forward the correct line and policies for settling all issues arising in building a thriving nation commensurate with the demands and interests of the people and is realizing them by its own effort and in its own way. And it is also preserving and developing the peculiar and excellent qualities of the nation and applying them to all fields of building a thriving nation.
Any country or nation should have a powerful strength to advance forward along the road of independence. The strength which firmly guarantees the independent development of the country and nation is built and increased by dint of Songun.
The thriving socialist state is a great nation which demonstrates its strength by Songun.
The DPRK raises military affairs as the most important of all state affairs and directs everything to strengthen it.
Thus, the DPRK could honorably defend the dignity of the country and the sovereignty of the nation and exalt them, frustrating the imperialist moves of military aggression, war and intervention.
Moreover, it strengthens the driving force of the revolution by dint of Songun, enhances its role in every possibly way and safeguards the motherland, revolution and socialism by achieving brilliant victories in the struggles to defend the nation and socialism.
And it also is making great advances in all fields of building socialism, for example, in sectors of building the economy and culture.
Socialism is the life and soul of the Korean people, and the great victory of building a thriving nation just lie in that they follow the road of socialism.
Socialism of Korean style, the greatest patriotic legacy bequeathed by the great comrades
However harsh the situation and condition may change, the DPRK gives top priority to the fundamental demands and interests of the popular masses who want to be the masters of the state and society, subordinates everything to them, strictly adheres to them and fully realizes them in the whole course of socialist construction without a slightest compromise and concession.
To follow the road of independence, Songun and socialism is the strategy of building Korean-style socialism and it guarantees the final victory of socialist construction.
Second, it is the course of thoroughly applying
The respected Comrade
"When the whole country brims over with
The building of a socialist thriving country in the DPRK is a genuine patriotic cause which is based on the ardent patriotism of the entire Korean people, and the great
There are several ideological and spiritual forces which drive the cause of building a country, but the main motive force is patriotism.
The building of a thriving socialist nation begins from patriotism and is built by patriotism.
The struggle to build a thriving socialist country is the most sacred patriotic struggle to build a people's paradise, in which the beautiful ideals and dreams of the entire Korean people are realized, and a powerful state where people envy nothing in the world.
So, building a thriving socialist country demands ardent patriotism of the people and only genuine patriotism can be a powerful ideological and spiritual motive force which pushes ahead with it.
And it is a valuable ideological and spiritual sustenance indispensable to all who love their country and people; it also provides those struggling for the sake of their country and people with a powerful motive force that infuses into them courage and vigor.
For this reason, the Korean people are stepping up the building of a thriving country with
The people devoting their whole in all fronts of building a thriving nation with genuine patriotic mind can be found everywhere in the DPRK.
Third, it is the course of making great innovations and making a great leap forward in all fields.
The great leader Comrade
"Our struggle in the new century is a heroic advance, in which we, under the leadership of the Party, will make great innovations and a great leap forward unprecedented in the history of the building of our country."
The struggle to build a thriving socialist country is the socialist construction of a new, higher stage taking place in the 21st century.
The 21st century is the century of great innovations and creations which will bring about a historical turn to all fields of social life with highly developed science and technology such as IT technology. It is also the new era when the struggle of the world people aspiring after independence has entered a new, higher stage.
The thriving socialist country is a great state which is the most powerful and prosperous in the world.
The building of a thriving socialist state in the DPRK is a gigantic undertaking with a high goal as required by the new century. Only when the great innovations and a great leap forward are made in all fields such as politics, military affairs, economy and culture, can victories be achieved in building a thriving nation.
The Korean people are boldly innovating outdated and backward remnants of the past century in all fields and are making great innovations on the basis of a new ideological viewpoint and work style, method of work and way of creation.
Furthermore, from the innovative viewpoint and attitude, the Korean people are boldly creating world-famous things in all fields of social life. They erect all buildings as the models of the 21st century and as befits the appearance of a thriving nation and they create everything which can be admired by the world. And holding high the slogan, "Let us be responsible for our creations for thousand years and guarantee their quality for ten thousand years!", they construct all buildings so as to take responsibility through generations and as a grand monumental edifice.
They are creating everything from innovative attitude to constantly create new things by bold planning. And they have turned out in the battle to break through the cutting edge in high spirits, and are kindling the fierce flames of the industrial revolution of the new century.
Furthermore, they are raising the strong wind of making an epochal leap forward and epochal innovations at an extraordinary high speed in all fields of social life, thus transforming the appearance of the country.
Today miraculous reality is being created in the DPRK. Numerous grand monumental edifices are rising up like a miracle and everything is provided so that the people can enjoy all the benefits of socialism.
It becomes the mode of creation in the DPRK to aim high in all fields of building a socialist power and make a great leap forward by making a great stride so that they could do what others took months or years within days..
Fourth, it is the course of achieving a decisive victory in the severe class struggle.
The respected Comrade
"The effort to build a thriving socialist country is accompanied by a serious class struggle to eliminate everything that is hostile and non-socialist."
The struggle for socialism is constantly accompanied by the sharp class struggle against imperialism and all kinds of class enemies.
From the first day of the emergence of socialism in the world, the imperialists have resorted to all moves such as political and military attacks and pressure, economic sanctions, blockade, penetration of bourgeois ideas and culture, etc. to eliminate socialism.
The imperialists' anti-socialist moves become ever more intensified as socialism develops and they have reached their extreme in their vicious challenge against the cause of building a thriving nation.
In particular, the anti-socialist moves of the US-led imperialists have always been directed to the DPRK where people are stepping up the building of a thriving nation under the unfurled banner of independence and socialism and in the present days, they have become ever more vicious.
Today, the allied imperialist forces are unprecedentedly strengthening their military aggression to stifle the socialism of Korean style and are eager to interfere in all fields such as politics, the economy, ideology, culture and diplomacy.
And they are widely spreading the non-socialist elements that will destroy the spiritual and moral foundations of the socialist system to hinder the DPRK's advance towards a thriving nation, disintegrate it from within and make the people imbue with the bourgeois ideology and unhealthy lifestyles.
Consequently, building a thriving socialist country in the DPRK is being conducted in acute confrontation with imperialists and reactionary forces in all fields including politics, military affairs, economy and culture. For this very reason, the cause of building a thriving country can never be accomplished without achieving a decisive victory in the fierce struggle against the imperialists and class enemies.
The entire Korean people are now resolutely crushing the crafty and vicious ideological and cultural penetration moves and psychological warfare of the imperialists with the might of single-hearted unity in which they are closely rallied behind the headquarters of the revolution. And they are achieving final victory in the serious anti-imperialist, anti-US confrontation with invincible military capabilities. They have boosted the country's economy and are now striving to achieve prosperity of the country without having any influence from the imperialists' moves to stifle and isolate the DPRK economically.
And they have turned out in all-out confrontation with the non-socialist elements that endanger and destroy socialism in order to overcome those elements and are vigorously stepping up the socialist construction by maintaining the purity of socialism.
The DPRK, in the future, too, will advance forward along the road of independence, the road of Songun and the road of socialism. Holding high the banner of