The revolutionary obligation of President
"My friendship with Zhang Wei-hua has continued even after his death.
Zhang passed away, but I have never forgotten him even for one moment. The fragrance of his personality penetrated my mind more deeply as the days went by."
Zhang Wei-hua could live in luxury by forsaking the revolution, but he volunteered to die a heroic death on the 2nd of October, 1937, for President
With his revolutionary obligation, President
After the anti-Japanese war, President
In spite of the complicated process of building of a new Korea, the great war against the Americans and the work carried out to lay the foundations of socialism, he eagerly waited for a chance to meet them.
When the visitors' group from the DPRK was to visit anti-Japanese battlefields in Manchuria, President
He told Pak Yong Sun that over twenty years has passed since Zhang Wei-hua, the owner of the Xiongdi Photo Studio, who supplied cloth and money to us when the children were suffering from illness and shivering with cold in the secret camp in Maanshan, died, but he had not even sent his regards to Zhang's family, and asked Pak to remember him to Zhang's bereaved family and give his regards to them on his behalf. He continued that Zhang Wei-hua was Chinese, but he was virtually Korean or a Korean revolutionary, and his distinguished services occupy an honorable place both in his history of Chinese communist movement and in the annals of the anti-Japanese revolution of Korea and asked that he had to discover where the bereaved family of Zhang Wei-hua lived, even if they moved to another place from Fusong, with the aid of the Chinese public security organs. After that he waited anxiously for news from Fusong.
Reported from Pak Yong Sun that after Zhang Wei-hua's father died in 1954 and after his death, Zhang Wei-hua's wife lived a frugal life in the old house in Fusong with her son Zhang Jin-quan and his daughter Zhang Jin-lu, and after receiving Zhang Jin-quan's letter, he felt that his affection for him, which he had quelled for more than 20 years, gushed out.
His revolutionary obligation to Zhang Wei-hua developed into a new phase in the course of meeting his bereaved children several times.
In May 1984, more than 20 years after receiving a letter from Zhang Jin-quan, passing through Northeast China by train on his way, President
After returning home, he received the second letter from Zhang Jin-quan and invited him to Pyongyang.
He met Zhang Jin-quan, Zhang Jin-lu and Zhang Qi party on their way to the DPRK. Gazing at them in a bid to find a resemblance to Zhang Wei-hua and his wife, who had been deceased, in their demeanor, he said in Chinese words without diplomatic customs, "I welcome you!" and held them together in his arms as he had done when he met Zhang Wei-hua.
At the welcome banquet, he told Zhang Jin-Quan and his party that he did not need a congratulatory address, as they were one family members, and to raise the glasses for the health of those present at the banquet and for the friendship between Korea and China. He told them that Zhang Jin-Quan's grandfather helped the independence movement of Korea and his father helped the Korean communist movement, speaking highly of their distinguished services of the Zhang family.
When Zhang Jin-quan and his party presented the gift on behalf of the Fusong people and family members, in return he gave each of them a gold watch. And also he made sure that Zhang Jin-quan had a check-up in Pyongyang and had his ruined molar teeth replaced with gold false teeth.
After that, he met Zhang Jin-quan and his company in Sinuiju, a frontier city for the second time. At that time, he gave a luncheon again for them on their way back home and gave them each a camera, hoping them to follow the example of Zhang Wei-hua who had devoted his all to the revolution, running a photo studio.
Bidding farewell to them, he said that they should work well and become excellent communist party members, and he warmly said "You grew up as fatherless children. From now on I am your father."
Under the loving care of President
In April 1992, too, he met Zhang Jin-quan and his party who came to the DPRK to celebrate his 80th birthday. The more frequent their visits became, the deeper and warmer the friendship between President
Learning that Zhang Jin-quan was planning to set up a new tombstone on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of his father's death, President
Later on he did not grudge any time for the descendants of Zhang Wei-hua, saying how he could fulfill all his obligations to Zhang Wei-hua, who sacrificed his life for him, by setting up even thousands of monuments to him,.
In his reminiscences "With the Century", President
His noble revolutionary obligation to Zhang Wei-hua, an internationalist soldier, continued with the passage of time even after his demise.