Today the strategic position and the national power of the DPRK have been remarkably strengthened and the pride and laughter of the people who are the masters of the powerful nation are growing stronger. Amid this we are recollecting the great personality of President
In retrospect, the great victory in the Fatherland Liberation War was a brilliant victory of the outstanding leadership of the fatherly leader and a victory of the great love for the soldiers of the Korean People's Army.
The respected Comrade
It happened in December, Juche 39(1950).
As soon as a meeting was over, the great leader told the officials to prepare for the departure.
The officials told him that they wanted to leave in the evening because the enemy planes were flying so much during the day.
But the great leader said that there was something to visit, urging them to prepare for the journey.
The place where the great leader arrived was unexpectedly a hospital of war wounded.
On arriving at the hospital, the great leader dropped in at the hospital and said with deep emotion that he came to meet the comrades-in-arms. It had just been through the difficulties of a strategic temporary retreat, and the hospital lacked medical apparatus and medicines and they could not bring them from anywhere and could not expect to be solved by a superior institution.
The fatherly leader instructed to provide the hospital with the necessary materials for treating the wounded, no matter how difficult the situation of the country was, and gave warm care by sending a large amount of medical apparatus and medicine to the field hospital.
The war wounded, who were loved by their father, were filled with tears with the impressions of the peerlessly great personality of the great leader who, with the heavy burden of the war, devoted his precious time even when he was so busy.
The great leader acquainted himself with the condition of the illness of each of them who did not know what to do with emotion, said that they fought courageously as true sons and daughters of the country for the country and the people and for the Party and the revolution.
Then, while looking round various places of the hospital, the great leader gave precious teachings arising in the treatment of the patient and went out of the ward.
The valley was already dark.
However, the great leader took time to take all necessary measures for the treatment of the patient with the mind of the mother who was taking care of the sick children.
It was very late night in the mountainous village and the night air was frozen, but the officials of the hospital, looking up to the great leader who was so anxious to do something more to the war wounded, could not resist the rising emotion.
Leaving the hospital, he warmly grasped the hands of the hospital officials and repeatedly asked them to look after the war wounded.
The Korean people were convinced of victory and burnt their hearts with the fighting spirit of annihilating the enemy in the sacred image of the President always finding himself among the soldiers of the People's Army.
Indeed, the President's warm love for the soldiers of the Korean People's Army was the source of the invincible strength that gave birth to centuries-old and heroic feats in every battle and the young DPRK could win a great victory in the decisive battle against the imperialist allied forces.