
A Moving Story Teaching a Philosophical Principle of Life


One day, a millionaire was asked to answer the question, whether he was happy. He said that he also wanted to be happy, that's why his life was one to become rich for the happiness. However, he could not easily answer whether he was happy, even though he had done everything possible and got everything possible.

But the unhappiness even bigger was that he could not know clearly the reason why.

It was the millionaire who could not answer the question whether he was happy and did know its reason.

How possible it was to say that the life of such a millionaire was the human life and the true one.

Human being considers its life as precious and tries his best to make it the most beautiful and precious one.

The life which is the most beautiful and precious would be created by the true view of life. Therefore, who would enjoy the most beautiful and true life forever, and who would live a dead life depends on what kind of view of life he has.

Hence, there would be a question what kind of view of life a human being should have in order to enjoy the true life.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"Often saying that human life should be devoted to the country and people and one's life could be called a genuine life when both its beginning and end are beautiful, General Kim Jong Il dedicated all his life to his country and people and passed away on the road for them."

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said all the time that the human life would be one devoted to the fatherland and people.

From the first day stepping on the way of revolution to the last moment of his life he has devoted his all to the fatherland and people and continued the way of his patriotic devotion.

On the way of the patriotic devotion on which the great general went in his lifetime there was the emotional story that our people were taught by the philosophical principles of life through the tale of a great tree and a root.

It was a day in February, Juche98 (2009).

Due to the continued forced march on-the-spot-guidance the great general suffered from the overlapping tiredness, so he could not have a proper meal. That's why the officials have asked him to care for his health with tears in their eyes.

The great general has appreciated their thoughtfulness, and said that there was sometimes a thought to have a rest according to their recommendation.

But he said silently that he would stand up again because if his steps were slowed down, the advancing speed of the fatherland would also be slowed down.

In a while the great general mentioned that the revolutionary zeal and spirit of our people who were advancing by upholding the torch of the new revolutionary upsurge in those days were high enough, and we had to run faster from that time on.

He said that everything would be dependent fully on how our officials would work as the leading personnel of the revolution.

An official said that he would become a leaf of the great tree of revolution and try to make the great tree evergreen even in stormy weather. Other officials looked up at the great general, keeping the same thought as his one in their mind.

Looking around the officials with affection, the great general mentioned in a low voice that it should be necessary to have a strong root for a strong and green tree, a great tree would stand with a lot of branches and leaves thanks to a strong root providing nutrition continuously, that's why the meaning of leaves would be bigger than that one of a root.

And the great general instructed that a great tree was visible but not a root, and there would be a person admiring a great tree, but it would be rare to see people thinking about the root supporting a great tree. He said that the root worked restlessly under the ground, unnoticed and just for a great tree.

Even though the leaves would be fallen in the cold stormy weather, roots would be strong and steady even under the frozen ground. As the root, deep under the ground, sucks well the nutrition, the tree can grow up flourishingly.

Like this, the revolution would be invincible, and the fatherland would be also prosperous everlastingly in case that the revolutionaries would be ready steadily and united single-heartedly, he said.

He said that it was understandable that they were going to become the leaves of great tree, but they had to stop thinking to become leaves. They had to become the root together with him, so as to become the root to support the fatherland handed over by the great leader to us, he said warmly.

Become the root supporting the fatherland.

It was the great proposition teaching us the precious philosophical principles of human life which was complete one in the sense of philosophy, logic and presentation, indeed.

There are a lot of great men recorded in the history of mankind.

However, there was no great man earlier who had made it clear, the philosophical principles which was the most beautiful truth of life which should be kept by human being.

These were the philosophical principles of life which could be defined by our general only who had devoted his whole life to the prosperity of fatherland and the happiness of people.

That's true.

The true view of life and philosophical principles of life taught us by the great general with the story about a great tree and root are to live as the root supporting the fatherland, filling the heart with ardent patriotism, to find out the happiness on that way and to enjoy the true life of human being, the eternal life.

Recently our fatherland is stronger than before, overcoming the unprecedented hard ordeals in the history, and grown up as the great tree unperturbed in any stormy weather thanks to the heart, soul and pain of the great general devoted himself as the root to support the fatherland and people.

Today, this great tree is shining in the whole world as the crystal of strong and revival country where all the people enjoy the happy life, singing the song "We are the happiest in the world" thanks to the devotion of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un loving people and country.

We are shouting heartedly, keeping the philosophical principles of life taught by the great general in our mind.

We will always live like the root supporting the fatherland.