
Personally Tasting the Water from the Hot Spring


The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"It is our Party's determination and will to make our people including children live well with nothing to envy in the world so that their laughter of happiness and their cheers for the Workers' Party resound across the country."

Here goes another story about Yangdok Hot Spring Resort which tells the deep love of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who devotes his all for people.

One day in October, Juche 107(2018), the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who visited the construction site of the hot spring resort, found a gushing spring.

He gazed at the spring for a while as if he was picturing the happy faces of people who would enjoy the socialist civilization to the full and then, out of joy, he said it was so nice that hot water gushed out and it was really fantastic.

So great his pleasure was, he said that he was going to taste the hot spring water.

The officials accompanied were shocked.

How on earth could they let the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un taste the hot spring water in the open.

One of them was so bewildered that he repeatedly expressed his wish for the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un not to do so.

The rest of them were no exception.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un shook his head and said that it was the water that the people would drink, so he should taste it beforehand. Then he took a cup of hot spring water and tasted it, drinking one gulp and another.

Something emotional could be seen in the eyes of the officials who were looking up to him.

A few minutes later he said that it tasted really good wearing a big smile on his face as if he was picturing people's joy that would overflow in Yangdok Hot Spring Resort.

No leader in the world but only the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who is the true leader of people would even taste the hot spring water for the health and happiness of people.

Yangdok Hot Spring Resort
Yangdok Hot Spring Resort
Yangdok Hot Spring Resort
Yangdok Hot Spring Resort
Yangdok Hot Spring Resort
Yangdok Hot Spring Resort
Photo. The scenery of love for the people – Yangdok Hot Spring Resort

It's true that Yangdok hot spring which is for the people's healthcare is welling up from deep down underground while the sacred spring of ardent love for people roots in his great heart and is welling on and on.