
The Ever-Victorious, Iron-Willed Brilliant Commander who Declared Victory on the First Day of the War


The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"Comrade Kim Il Sung was an ever-victorious, iron-willed brilliant commander who defeated two imperialist powers in one generation."

President Kim Il Sung is a peerless patriot and ever-victorious, iron-willed brilliant commander who, by leading the Fatherland Liberation War to victory, defended the country and nation and created military miracles which are remarkable in the world history of anti-imperialist struggle.

victory in the fatherland liberation war

It was really a great luck for the Korean people to have in high esteem President Kim Il Sung, the legendary hero who had defeated the Japanese aggressors through long bloody battles and achieved the great historical cause of liberating the country from the Japanese colonial rule. The matchless courage and grit of the President were the essential sources which enabled our people to display to the full their firm conviction of victory and popular heroism in the war; his outstanding military ideas, the original Juche-oriented war methods and ingenious strategies and tactics were the decisive factors of the victory in the war. Under the wise leadership of the great leader, our people inflicted serious ignoble defeat on the US imperialists who were boasting of being "the strongest" in the world, and defended with honour the dignity and sovereignty of the nation. President Kim Il Sung accomplished triumphant feats in the war by dealing a serious blow to the allied forces led by the US and opened up a new era in which the anti-imperialist, anti-US struggle was surging up. These feats are shining brilliantly in the history of our country.

At 4 a.m. on June 25, 1950, Syngman Rhee and his puppet regime provoked a war at long last, incited by the US imperialists.

On hearing this, President immediately organized a meeting of the senior officials of the then National Defence Ministry to stand up against the enemy's surprise attack.

He looked down at the map as if looking over the country, with his eyes glaring with great anger.

Instantly grasping the enemy's intention, Kim Il Sung said our Party's strategic line at the moment should be to go over immediately to the counteroffensive, defeating the enemies with quick movements and continued strikes to liberate the country before the US could deploy army in large troops at the frontline, and to deploy the People's Army units as quickly as possible to prevent the US reinforcement troops from going ashore.

All the officials at the meeting including the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters could not but be surprised; they looked up to the great leader with respect, who was giving an order of counterattack, pointing to the target spots on the map, out of his outstanding stratagem as befits the illustrious commander.

Such an immediate decision made by President was really sagacious strategy which was worked out strictly based on his scientific analysis of the enemy's weak points after seeing through its every move with brilliant intelligence and the gift of foresight.

At that time, it would take more than a month for the US to bring a huge army from its own country to the Korean peninsula, and certain period as well to dispatch 4 divisions under the 8th Corps stationed in Japan to the frontline. Moreover, the US did not recognize the fact that its soldiers were all the mercenaries who were weak as imperialist armed force, extremely self-conceited with so-called ‘victory', and with no political awareness nor moral sense.

With clear insight into such weakness of the enemy, President gave an order of counteroffensive. This made all the officials there feel quite excited.

President also put forward the detailed plans for carrying out the strategic war policy.

He set the detailed tasks for strategic operation; frustrating the enemy's surprise attack by dint of counterattack and thus liberating the country and preventing the huge US troops from going on shore.

According to the established military theory, the attacking force should exceed more than 3 times of the defending force to defeat it. The strategic plan of putting the enemy in the passive by dint of high level of mobility and continued attacks was a truly intelligent plan departing from the established theory, that would guarantee the sure victory in the war. The officials were thrilled to have received the plan.

In addition, Comrade Kim Il Sung told them to besiege and thoroughly annihilate the enemies and intensify the political work with the military personnel.

At 6 a.m. that day, President called for an emergency session of the Cabinet.

The room was unusually solemn with strained and oppressive silence.

But suddenly, a hearty laughter and resounding voice could be heard from the corridor.

President, entering and looking around the room with smile on his face just as bright as usual, said that the enemies were only too stupid, and the US imperialists had false idea of the Korean people. He emphasized with confidence that, as a wolf should be beaten with a clubs, so the foolish US imperialists, attacking the Korean people without knowing who they were, should be taught a stiff lesson.

The calm and collected manner of the great leader, even with a host of enemy troops approaching nearby; his matchless courage and iron-willed self-confidence; his imposing figure as a brilliant commander who looked down upon the enemy however powerful it might be – all these made the strained minds of the officials relieved all at once and gave them firm conviction that the war was already won.

victory in the fatherland liberation war

With the ever-victorious, iron-willed brilliant commander in high esteem, the Korean people could achieve such a great victory in the 3-year-long, hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War and created heroic myths during this period. The indomitable spirit of safeguarding the fatherland kept in the minds of the heroic generation is now being inherited to new generations.