The feats performed by the victorious wartime generation, the second generation of revolutionaries in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), shine out as a prominent peak in the glorious history of the country's development. Everything we cherish on this beautiful land, the country of great power, is closely associated with them.
The gallant defenders in the 1950s waged a heroic struggle to safeguard the country for the Party and the leader, and for the fatherland and the people. Every inch of this land is permeated with their blood and it is such heroism that brought honour and fame to their descendants. We owe them the independent, dignified and happy life that we have lived as a heroic people of heroic Korea. Otherwise, we would have suffered as slaves.
The Korean people, especially the new generation of Koreans, pride themselves on being descendants of the victorious wartime generation. It is a noble pride beyond compare and we mean to cherish it through generations as their descendants. Such is the will and conviction of the Korean people and the mission that they have undertaken by themselves.
The respected Comrade
"It is the honourable mission that has fallen on the descendants of the great victorious wartime generation to make the country, which was defended and built by their forerunners, stronger and eternally prosperous by brilliantly carrying forward the great tradition of victory and the heroic spirit which were created under the leadership of the great leaders and the great Party."
The revolution is not accomplished within one generation; it is a long-term cause involving several generations. To always succeed in the prolonged course of revolutionary struggle, we need to faithfully carry on the heroic fighting spirit and the tradition of the victorious wartime generation.
The great heroic spirit displayed by the victorious wartime generation in the Fatherland Liberation War is indeed an asset to be cherished through generations and its faithful inheritance is indeed a mission of honour entrusted upon the coming generations.
It is a noble duty and mission of the descendants of the victorious wartime generation to make those spirits pulsate with today's life and struggle – the steadfast revolutionary spirit of absolute trust in the Party and carrying out its decision at the cost of one's life, death-defying spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of the war hitting the country, indomitable fighting spirit displayed in the rehabilitation and construction years braving trials and tribulations, and the spirit of collectivism that created a new lifestyle of socialism helping and caring each other in the wartime hardships.
Today, with this mission of honour in mind, young Koreans are carrying into effect the great heroic spirit of the victorious wartime generation and are performing heroic feats in every field of socialist construction.
The Koreans on this land will faithfully succeed the victorious wartime generation in their heroic spirit, and thus advance the cause of socialism victorously without deviation and with greater vigour under the leadership of the respected Comrade