
Brilliant traces of field guidance left on the untrodden path of nation building


Chairman Kim Jong Il said:

"His whole life has been spent in the field guiding the people."

The life of President Kim Il Sung was literally the life of constant field guidance for the people despite of the difficulties.

He devoted his whole in his lifetime experiencing all the hardships.

President Kim Il Sung scientifically analyzed the complicated political situation prevailing in our country shortly after the country's liberation and advanced the line of building a new country without delay, clearly indicated the road for the Korean people, and went among the people without a moment's rest to realize it, instilling into them the spirit of patriotism and enthusiasm for nation-building.

On September 24, Juche 34 (1945), two days after he entered Pyongyang, President visited an electric factory in Pyongyang.

He met officials and workers in the electric field of Pyongyang city and exchanged warm greetings with them, saying how much they had suffered under the ill-treatment of Japanese imperialism for a long time.

When he met the officials and workers of the factory, he said that electricity is the motive force of industry, adding that without electricity it was impossible to rehabilitate and operate industry, and stabilize and improve the people's standard of living, and that those working in the field of electricity should carry it out in a responsible manner, deeply aware of their duty in the work of building a democratic country.

President said that in order to rehabilitate the damaged industry, we should immediately repair the power stations and electrical installations and produce electricity, therefore we should immediately rehabilitate the destroyed power stations and electrical establishments. He stressed the need to send electricity to factories, mines, cities and rural areas, establish proper transmission systems, establish a well-regulated order of management and operation for power stations and substations, and take measures to produce and supply electrical equipment and materials.

That day President Kim Il Sung visited the then Pyongyang Cornstarch Factory after giving field guidance to the then General Bureau of Electricity.

President, guided by the head of the trade union of the factory, went round every corner of the factory and said to a large number of workers who had gathered outside, that the Japanese imperialists ruthlessly destroyed almost all the industrial establishments in our country while being defeated and driven out, adding that the destruction of the cornstarch factory clearly showed how severely the Japanese imperialists had destroyed our industrial establishments.

And he said that we now had neither the funds nor the materials necessary to rehabilitate and run the destroyed factory nor enough technicians, but we should not hesitate and all should rise up to tide over the difficulties and advance bravely.

President called for demonstrating the strength of our working class to the world by restoring the factory destroyed by the Japanese imperialists by pooling the strength, technology and wisdom of all the workers and technicians.

On October 2nd, Juche 34 (1945), President Kim Il Sung visited the site of the then Pyongyang Arsenal Manufacturer in Phyongchon-ri, Pyongyang, with a far-reaching plan to establish our own munitions industry base.

It was an arsenal in which the Japanese imperialists were producing parts of armed equipment, with the main emphasis on the processing of shells necessary for the war of aggression on the continent, and it was ruined along with the defeat of the Japanese imperialists.

During the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the great leader keenly realized that only the powerful revolutionary armed forces guaranteed the destiny of the revolution and the nation, so he visited this factory with a far-reaching plan to defend the country and the nation and to firmly guarantee the building of the new country of the Korean people with arms despite such difficulties and complications after the liberation of the country.

Looking round the factory, the great leader said to the accompanying officials that a new democratic Korea should be built from now on on the ruins of everything, if we are to build a prosperous, independent and sovereign state, we should found a party, establish a people's government and build a powerful regular armed force capable of defending the country and nation.

Looking round the central area of the factory including the reduced-modelling shop and hydraulic press workshop, heat treatment workshop and forging shop, the President said that what is important in building the armed forces is to equip all the servicepersons firmly with modern weapons and military equipment and, to this end, it is necessary to establish and develop its own arms industry.

Noting that it was not easy for us to build a munitions factory by ourselves in the present situation, the President said that we should overcome all difficulties and hardships and build our own munitions industry as soon as possible, and clearly indicated the orientation and ways for the establishment of the arms industry.

Noting that we should start with the production of small weapons first in establishing the arms industry, the great leader said that in the present situation of our country it is difficult to produce heavy weapons at once, and that we should first produce simple small weapons and gradually produce modern heavy weapons and various kinds of military equipment as the foundations of the arms industry are laid.

Indeed, the field guidance of the President to Phyongchon served as a historic occasion in opening the first chapter of the munitions industry of our country.

The field guidance of the President for the building of a new country continued.

On October 9, Juche 34 (1945), one day before the historic party founding congress, the President visited the then Kangson Steel Plant passing by his old home in Mangyongdae which he so longed to visit, in order to rehabilitate as soon as possible the country's steel-making and iron-making industry severely damaged by the Japanese imperialists.

President took the hands of the officials and workers of the factory one by one and entered the office and had a talk with them.

Familiarizing himself in detail with the situation in which the workers had lived and the damage to the factory, President said to them that our country had been liberated from the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists forever and that they had become the masters of the country and the factory.

The great leader continued that the land of 3 000-ri tapestry should be brought into full bloom by our own hands, saying that the masters here are the workers of Kangson Stell Plant, and they should be vanguard in the work of building a democratic country, so what they should do now is to rehabilitate, not just gurding the plant.

The great leader said that the steel plant should be rebuilt first from electric furnace, adding that it is necessary to remove the hardened iron from the furnace by mobilizing all its forces and start the work of building the furnace wall.

After the electric furnace completed, the President stressed, the steel blooming workshop, semisteel shop and so on also should be rebuilt in order, while all the electric facilities including the equipment of the electric substation should be restored to the original state.

In order to rebuild the Kangson Steel Plant as early as possible, he said that it is necessary to strengthen the unity of the workers and give full play to their patriotic enthusiasm and creative activeness, adding that it is important to rapidly form a Communist Party organization at the Kangson Steel Plant and enhance the role of the trade union.

President, who gave concrete instructions to the workers of the plant on the way to rebuild the factory, stressed that although the Japanese imperialists chattered that we would not rebuild the plant even if it took ten years with the strength and technology of our Korean people, there was nothing impossible for us to do if we pooled our strength and wisdom, and called on them to demonstrate the might of the liberated Korean workers by rebuilding the plant at an early date and producing steel by themselves.

In response to the ardent appeal of President Kim Il Sung, the workers of Kangson waged a dynamic struggle for rehabilitation and construction and finally rebuilt the electric furnace No. 1 on December 20, in just two months, and worked miracles of turning out the first molten iron.

Thanks to the energetic leadership of President Kim Il Sung, the Korean people, rallied firmly around him in the first period of building a new society, were able to turn out in the struggle for building a prosperous new country, overcoming all sorts of difficulties and hardships by themselves, with the consciousness of being the master of the country.

Since then, started a new history of the President's field guidance for the building of a prosperous and independent country, where the Korean people would be the masters of the country free from exploitation and oppression, and for the happiness of the liberated people.

Indeed, President Kim Il Sung is the great leader of the people and the peerlessly great man who led the revolution and construction to victory with superhuman's energy, living among people all his life.