
Great Pioneer of CNC Industry


All the sectors of the national economy in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are now waging a vigorous campaign to put production and the overall business activities on a modern and scientific footing by holding fast to science and technology as their lifeline. This proud reality is inconceivable apart from the introduction of CNC technology, an industrial revolution in the new century, which the great General unfolded a unique plan and guided energetically.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"The introduction of CNC technology has effected an industrial revolution of our style in the new century, and it reveals the high level of General Kim Jong Il's patriotism."

The great General was a great initiator, pioneer of the national CNC industry. He unfolded the plan for producing CNC machines tools in the country and led the effort for its realization.

He formed a development group with researchers from Kim Chaek University of Technology and field technicians in the early 1990s. When they manufactured CNC machines, he had them named Ryonha Machine as their brand name. During the period when the country was undergoing difficulties he had precious funds allocated to the introduction of CNC technology for the sake of the country's future prosperity, although he was haunted by the thought of the people who were suffering from food shortages. Even though he was shedding bitter tears, his decision to allocate the precious funds, which was virtually everything in the country's coffers, to the introduction of CNC technology was a great and courageous determination and the best choice; it was a decision born of his patriotic will to raise our country's international profile fairly by fostering its might rather than importing showy machines from other countries.

Thanks to his wise leadership, the developers of Ryonha machine could perfect CNC control system of a new type and acquire a complete grasp of the essentials of CNC technology.

Afterwards, he led the effort to introduce CNC technology in machine-building industry onto a higher level.

In May Juche 98 (2009) he took measures to equip a factory with Ryonha-brand CNC machine tools and turn it into a mother factory, a model factory of producing CNC machine tools. When he visited the factory in December Juche 99 (2010), he tasked it with producing a large number of cutting-edge CNC equipment including up-to-date large-sized compound centering machine.

Based on the successes the machine-building industry had achieved in introducing CNC technology, he initiated a drive for going beyond the cutting edge in all other sectors and all spheres of social life.

Under his leadership, the creative spirit of the Ryonha developers had displayed in pioneering and leading the rapid development of state-of-the-art CNC machine tools spread to all the major sectors of the national economy including machine building, metal, power generation, coal mining industries and rail transport, and up to local-industry factories, resulting in the introduction of CNC technology in them.

Now the soaring enthusiasm for introducing CNC technology is spreading throughout the country. This is a proud reality born of the outstanding leadership ability of the great General and also one of great revolutionary assets he had left for the prosperity of the coming generations.