"The imperialists and reactionaries, posing as the ‘champions of human rights', are now vilifying socialism, but it is they alone who are violating human rights." (
The US imperialists and their vassal reactionary forces have been viciously clinging to the policy of political, economic and military blockades against the progressive countries including the Democratic People's Republic of Korea that is invariably advancing along the road of independence against imperialism. Now that they, however, see that they can no longer expect any success in the policy, they are pursuing the disgraceful campaign for "human rights" of the countries, styling themselves as "champion of human rights." Behind the campaign they are seeking a sinister aim of defaming the countries and thus making a pretext for interference in their internal affairs and aggression by misleading the world opinion.
The biggest obstacle in the effort to build a new independent world is the US. The most urgent task in building a new independent and peaceful world free from war is to encourage the peoples around the world to rid themselves of the illusion about the US and turn out in the joint struggle against the US imperialists. To this end it is necessary to be well informed of the true colour of the US that is posing itself as the "champion of human rights" while resorting to the "human rights" campaign.
1. The US Is the Stronghold of Racism
"The US imperialism is the stronghold of racism."
Racism is an unscientific and reactionary belief which determines the value of people and defines their hereditary "superiority" and "inferiority" by the colour of their skin and, on this premise, justifies aggression, domination, hatred and maltreatment of some races by others, mainly of the coloureds by the whites.
The United States is the source of racism prevalent in the capitalist world and is the most persistent and malignant follower of the racist policy.
The claim that the US is the stronghold of racism is well supported by historical facts and materials verified around the world since the emergence of the country.
First of all, the US is the prototype of racist state with deep historical roots.
The racist policy now in force in the United States has deep historical roots of its own. The American racism took root during the formation of the US. In other words, the process of the formation of the United States itself was characteristic of racism.
The US is anything but a state established by the native Indians with the historical sovereignty of the region. It is an establishment mainly by the Anglo-Saxons who intruded Americas and massacred the local Indians and took their land. The foundation of the setup of the US was laid in the sea of blood of the natives who were killed by all cannibalistic methods geared to take enormous expanses of land from the Indians.
Having intruded the American continent with an ambition of making a fortune at a stroke, the Yankee ancestors pursued a cruel policy of racial liquidation of the Indians from the beginning of their stay in the land. Their scheme of racial extermination was executed in the most bestial and barbarous ways that were unprecedented in human history. The colonialists burnt, shot and stabbed all the Indians they came across to death, whether they were young or old, men or women. They did not hesitate to employ whatever means they could to massacre them, even adopting the pathological germs like pest and cholera. Yankees removed the head skin from Indians and carried it with them as souvenir. This shows how barbarous and murderous the crimes were.
The massacre of the Indians swept all the areas occupied by the Yankees, and continued uninterruptedly. The Yankee legislative assembly in the New England region decided to grant £40 for an Indian head skin or an Indian prisoner of war, and raised the price of the head skin up to £100 in 1720. Under the cannibalistic banners of "The Indians should be done away" and "Dead Indians alone are good Indians" the colonialists massacred almost all the Indians in North America, thus nearly exterminating them on earth. Due to the murderous crimes, the number of Indians in North America which stood at more than 1.5million at the time when the colonialists set foot dwindled to 150 000 at the end of the 19th century. The moves for racial extermination against the Indians marked the beginning of the solution of the territorial matter for the formation of the US as a state.
Meanwhile, the criminal trade of black slaves and the establishment of the black slave-owning system by the Yankee ancestors led to the economic foundation for the formation of the US as a state. After liquidating the Indians by all savage and bestial methods and taking their settlements, the Yankee ancestors launched into the trade of African black slaves for the purpose of securing human resources needed for the development of the capitalist relations in North America. It was in 1619 that the blacks were first taken to North America.
The hunting of blacks was mainly done by hordes of pirates. The Anglo-Saxon pirates' outrages were in no way acts of individual adventurists or accidental perpetrations. They were based on the state policy of the British rulers aimed at accumulating wealth and basic capitals. Such atrocities were appreciated as "patriotic."
The colonialists, who grew reckless in Britain under the patronage and support of the British ruling circle, or the robbers of the North American land, were the very ancestors of the American Yankees. At the time the slave dealers bought African black slaves at the cost of US$ 50 per person and sold them for US$ 400 per head in the American continent.
The hunters captured the blacks, stamped labels on them, bound them with iron wires by several persons and loaded them on slave-dealing merchant ships. As they were treated like freight, some 30-40 of the blacks used to die per ship on their way across the ocean. According to data, as many as 150 million healthy and sound African blacks lost their lives in the salve hunting and trade.
The situation of the blacks taken to America was no better. However strong and healthy, they lost their working ability or went dead after they were driven to drudgery for 6-7 years. On the contrary, the colonialists got colossal economic profit by exporting cotton, tobacco and other agricultural products which were the result of the deadly hard labour of the slaves. Through this the economic foundation was laid for the formation of the US as a state.
The roots of racism that consist in the racial liquidation of the Indians and robbery of their land and wealth, the black slave trade, and the forcing of slavish labour nourished the empire of evils called the United States of America which was the most reactionary racist state. From then on the US betrayed its despicable image as the stronghold and sample of racism.
Another reason why the US is the stronghold of racism is that the US has pursued an extremely vicious policy of racism as one of its major national policies since its establishment.
The mass media under the patronage of the US imperialists advertise that the US is the epitome of liberty, equality, democracy and human rights, but the racist policy of the US imperialists is a good vindication of the falsehood and mockery of their propaganda. Because of the vicious racist policy of the US imperialists, a huge number of people resident in the US are subjected to racial discrimination and contempt, inequality and no right, harsh exploitation and oppression for the only reason that they are not white.
The cruelty of the American racist policy is to be clearly seen in the racial segregation policy that separates the coloureds from the whites artificially.
The first victim of the racial segregation policy was the Indians. After expanding their territory by killing the Indians en masse and occupying their land in North America, the US racists expelled the survivors of the massacres in the 30s of the 19th century to "Indian protection districts" in uninhabited secluded areas and are now still enforcing the policy of isolating the Indians. The Indians in the "Indian protection districts" are suffering starvation, poverty, ignorance and illiteracy, almost on the verge of extinction. In order to exterminate the Indians the American racists used poisonous chemicals and forced castration on them.
The blacks were also victims of the racial segregation policy. Although the US imperialists are talking as if the blacks had got the same rights with the whites after the Civil War, the emancipation of the slaves proclaimed during the war was extremely hypocritical and the blacks were far from liberated de facto. Even Lincoln who declared emancipation of the slaves said that they should not consider the blacks equal to the whites even if the slavery system was abolished, and that it would be good for them to live apart. This showed that the emancipation of slaves advertised by the American racists did nothing more than changing the crude black slavery into the establishment of black segregation, which is no better than slavery.
In fact the American racists made the notorious Jim Crow Act in the 80s of the 19th century, with which they began to make a legal system for black isolation. At first the black segregation policy separated the train, bus and other vehicles of transportation into those for the whites and those for the blacks and gradually expanded to schools, theatres, cafes, barber's shops and even to churches where they admonish equality and humanity. You can still see signs like "Whites Only" and "No Admittance to Blacks" everywhere in urban districts and the blacks are subjected to considerable restriction and sufferings in everyday life for the absurd charge of "born black".
The cruelty of the American racist policy is also expressed in racial discrimination against the coloureds in all fields of the social life, as well as in the policy of racial segregation.
As the people's struggle against the racial segregation policy strengthened, the US rulers forbade the policy in the early 1960s for form's sake hoping to calm their discontent and struggle, but the policy changed into the one of racial discrimination in fact.
The rulers made propaganda as if they were following a policy favouring the blacks, talking that racial discrimination was forbidden in public transportation and service facilities and that they would make a law on the employment of the blacks. Take an example: In 1964 a law was passed which bans racial discrimination in different cases such as in the drawing up of the list of electors, the employing and dismissing of workers and the entrusting of social posts. But these laws on forbidding racial discrimination did not provide any liberty and rights to the coloured at all in reality.
The rulers did not set any mentioning in the laws about the legal sanctions against violations of any of the articles and, worse still, gave no provisions regarding racial discrimination by individual persons although they gave the prescription that punishment shall be given for racial discrimination by state organs.
The blacks in the US still have no elementary democratic rights, their human rights being violated. The US imperialists exclude most of the blacks from participating in election by applying all kinds of restrictions regarding qualifications. The blacks have limited freedom in choosing occupations and are forced to do slavishly arduous and labour-consuming jobs, getting far less wages than the whites.
The racial discrimination is getting on a craftier basis in the US as the days go by. In 1984 the US federal supreme court of justice put forward the so-called "racial neutrality" in order to shroud the racist colour of the US ruling class and instigate the racists in secrecy. With this, what few posts allotted to the blacks in state and social fields in a scheme to neutralize the anger of the ethnic minorities, were all gone. Arguing that belonging to "poor strata" could not be the reason for eligibility for special favour, the reactionary American rulers justified their pursuance, and this only results in encouraging racial discrimination in the American community where the white racists lord it over.
The cruelty of the US racist policy is to be seen clearly in racist terrorism as well. In the US special terrorist groups like the Ku Klux Klan are rampant, killing blacks and progressive people at will who go against their grains. Especially, the Ku Klux Klan, engaged in reckless terrorism on the blacks, is the extravillainous fascist terrorist organization, who claim white chauvinism and argue that they are there in existence to cope with a possible war of races. Organized in the mid-1860s, it is still taking the lives of many black activists by lynching, hand in glove with the US rulers.
In the US even the police and government organs are taking the lives of the coloureds, including the blacks, by legal means. The US ruling class is attempting to veil the true colours of their racist state by putting a black in the presidential office, but the deceitfulness is coming out bare and stark. At present there happen inhuman acts in the US, like testing drugs on detainees, mostly blacks, and the police's infringements on human rights of those belonging to other than white races are continuous occurrences.
Especially, the continuous killings of the blacks by the white policemen under the protection of the government and the ruthless crackdown on the protesters' peaceful actions are typical examples of the human rights violation.
For the pernicious racist policy that brings inhuman treatment, contempt, persecution and discrimination to the coloreds and ethnic minorities, the US is now denounced as the heinous violator of freedom, equality, democracy and human rights and as the stronghold of racism.
The US is the stronghold of racism also because it employs racism as ideological weapon of aggression overseas.
Having emerged as the leader of the imperialist world after the Second World War, the US imperialists are the prototype of modern fascists. Modeling themselves on Hitler's fascist clique, they, arguing about the superiority of the Anglo-Saxons, are making desperate attempts to attain their wild dream of world conquest.
Their racist barbarism is manifest in their invasion and war. They committed abominable atrocities in Korea during the Korean war, obsessed with the idea of extreme hatred against human beings, and with this they displayed their policy of racial contempt. They mercilessly killed the Korean people, young and old, men and women, by mobilizing whatever methods they could, including indiscriminate bombardments. Not content with this, they went so far as to use bacteriological weapons which are forbidden by international law. Later, the US imperialists uninterruptedly carried out bestial murders beyond human imagination all around the world, including in the Vietnam war, the Afghan war and the Balkan war. All these atrocities come from the racist idea that justifies the whites' aggression, domination, hatred and contempt for the coloured races, and it still serves as the ideological foundation for the US imperialists to make and implement anti-popular and reactionary policies.
While following the policy of racial liquidation and humiliation all across the world, the US imperialists are unmistakably acting as the manipulator and supporter of all vile racists on the earth. The cruelties the South African racist clique perpetrated to the unanimous denunciation of the people around the world were surely inconceivable apart from the positive support of the US imperialists. As a matter of fact, the racists' deportation of the blacks to the "Negroes' quarters" and the policy of rigorous segregation of the blacks in South Africa were modeled on the American practices.
The wild moves of the Israeli aggressors who stand in the van of wrecking peace and stability in the Middle East and the rest of the world are in no way irrelevant to the US imperialists giving strong backing and support. The imperialists instigated the Zionists to make up an Israeli state in 1948 and then start a war against the Arab countries. Now they are urging on them to commit outrageous racist terrorism against the Arabs in the occupied territories, and connive at them.
The US imperialism has developed into a racist state and stronghold of racism. This is precisely because the monopoly capitalists hold sway over the American community. Having risen like a toadstool by bleeding the African blacks dry on the heaps of the Indian skulls, the US has brought untold miseries and misfortune to hundreds of millions of people throughout the world by ceaseless wars, plunders and moves of destruction and sabotage since it came into existence. It has got fat by sweating the peoples around the world and destroying and looting the civilizations and wealth of mankind.
In order to clear the globe of racism, it is necessary to sweep away the racist cliques that threaten the people around the world. It is essential to join hands to fight against the US imperialists who are the culprit of racism. Struggling against racism without anti-US campaign is meaningless.
We must faithfully support the Songun-based leadership of the respected Comrade