
Characteristics of Songun Politics


Songun politics, since it has made its first appearance in human history is, today, displaying its might to the full in the admiration of the world people, and the people-centred socialism of Juche is vigoriously advancing along its own path under the original Songun politics.

A long period of time has passed since politics first made its appearance in history.

Among the politics that have existed in human history, there have been politics of both progressive and reactionary nature. When the progressive politics contributes to the realization of the independence of the masses of the people, the reactionary politics tramples down and suppresses the independence of the masses of the people.

The Songun politics that has organically combined politics and military affairs is the most perfect politics of absolute superiority incomparable to any other progressive politics that has existed in the past.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said.

"As the great General said, Songun Politics is a mode of socialist politics that presents military affairs as the most important of all state affairs, and defends the country, revolution and socialism and accelerates overall socialist construction with the Korean People's Army as the core, as the main force."

The Songun politics entails characteriscs of its peculiarity which cannot be interpreted within the framework of the progressive politics that have existed in history.

The characteristics of the Songun politics is that first of all, it is the politics that gives top priority to military affairs among all state affairs and that it enables the masses of the people to safeguard and realize their independence by resolutely fighting back all sorts of challenges of the imperialists and dominationists.

The Songun politics is the politics that gives top priority to military affairs.

Looking back on history and around today's world, there have been countries and nations that have pursued the politics of giving no particular importance to military affairs. In those countries, military affairs have been on an equal footing as other fields such as the economy and culture and have played only a symbolic role where internally, it maintains control over the country, and externally, signals its physical power deterring crossing of its borders by outside forces.

On the other hand, there have been countries and nations that have pursued the politics of giving importance to military affairs. There are countries that give importance to military affairs for the sake of protecting it from outside aggressive forces or for the sake of militarily guaranteeing the implementation of the interests and demands of a particular political group holding the state power or for the sake of retaining its position in the international arena by maintaining the balance of its military power.

However, none of these nations or counries have attached top priority to military affairs and have raised the issue of safeguarding and realizing the independence of the masses of the people as the fundamental goal of its politics.

Militarisation and militarism forcibly implemented by the imperialists and other reactionaries of history under the pretext of "Protection of National Interests", "Maintaining Regional Secutiry" and "Keeping World Peace" are just to channel the capital gained from bloody exploitation and oppression of its people and colonies to the militarization of the whole country, and to invade, dominate and plunder other countries and nations with its military power.

The Songun politics, however, gives top prioriy to military affairs and consolidates its self-reliant defense capability to the full on the principle of attaching importance to military affairs and on the basis of that, makes it its fundamental goal to safeguard and realize the independence of the masses of the people through to the end.

The imperialists and the reactionaries addicted to the theory of omnipotence of military power are committing tenacious acts of military invasion, pressure and intimidation against the countries and nations pursuing the line of independence.

Under such conditions, the independence of a country and nation cannot be safeguarded without giving top priority to military affairs and strengthening the country's defense capability to the full, and the independence of the masses of the people cannot be guaranteed without ensuring the independence of the country and nation, and the struggle of the masses of the people for independence can never be waged under peaceful conditions.

Only when top priority is given to military affairs and the country's sovereignty thoroughly defended by force of arms from the military invasion and threat of the imperialists and dominationists, can the masses of the people safeguard and realize their independence through to the end whatever the adversity and circumstances.

In the light of this, the Songun politics giving top priority to military affairs can truly be said to be the politics of utmost love for the masses of the people, the most popular politics to safeguard and realize their independence through to the end, the independent politics for the people and a sure military guarantee for the implementation of benevolent politics.

The characteristics of the Songun politics is that secondly, it is the politics that markedly builds up the main force of the revolution with the revolutionary army as the core, main force of the revolution.

The Songun politics is the politics that gives prominence to the revolutionary army as the core, main force of the revolution.

Revolution is a life-and-death battle between the revolutionary and counterrevolutionary forces, and thus the destinty of the revolution depends upon how the main force of the revolution is built up and how its role is enhanced.

It is very important to correctly solve the issue of the main force of the revolution in building up and enhancing the role of the main force of the revolution.

The main force of the revolution is the group that leads the revolution and construction at the forefront of the other social groups, and is the group that takes the position and plays the role as the stand-bearer of the revolutionary ranks.

In Marxism, the issue of the main force of revolution was solved on the basis of class relations according to the materialistic conception of history.

In Marxism, the principle of materialistic conception of history, which considers the definition of social consciousness by a social being, was applied to solving the issue of the main force of revolution, and thus viewed the working class as the class with the highest degree of revolutionary spirit and organizing ability as they were placed at the most destitute circumstance and they conducted production activities in a group in a capitalist society. Owing to such a reason, the conclusion was drawn in Marxism that the working class is the main force of the revolution.

In countries and nations that were conducting revolution in the past, the working class was put up as the main force in politics according to the Marxist understanding of the issue of the main force of the revolution, and the revolution and construction were carried out mainly relying on the strength of the working class.

However, the issue of the main force of revolution is not an issue to be solved only on the basis of class relations.

The Songun politics, on the basis of the original elucidation on the issue of the main force of revolution clarified by the Songun idea, has, for the first time in the development of political history of mankind, given precedence to the revolutionary army as the main force.

According to the Songun idea, which group becomes the main force of the revolution among other social groups that constitute the revolutionary force is decided not by class relations but by their revolutionary spirit, sense of organization and discipline, and combat capability.

The group with the highest degree of revolutionary, sense of organization and discipline, and combat capability among other social groups that constitute the revolutionary force is the revolutionary army led by the leader. The revolutionary army is the core, main force of the revolution as it has the highest degree of revolutionary spirit, sense of organization and discipline, and combat capability.

The revolutionary army, as it cherishes a revolutionary idea, a high spiritual power and revolutionary mettle, leads the society and actively propels forward the revolution and construction in the van of the revolutionary force, the revolutionary ranks.

The Songun politics gives precedence to the revolutionary army as the main force of the revolution, stands it at the forefront of all fronts of socialist construction, and ensures such a harmonious whole of army and people that they can struggle in the revolutionary spirit and trait of the revolutionary army. In other words, the Songun politics enables the entire people to learn after the revolutionary spirit, sense of organization and discipline, and combat capability of the revolutionary army so that the whole society is brimming over with the fighting spirit and stamina of the revolutionary army, which helps display the inexhaustible might of the masses of the people to the full.

There is no other force in the world that can match the might of the main force of the revolution where the entire people take after the high revolutionary spirit, sense of organization and discipline, and combat capability of the revolutionary army, and where army and people are struggling in the revolutionary fighting spirit and stamina as a whole.

In such a way, the Songun politics is the original politics that markedly builds up the main force of the revolution and enhances its role to the full with the revolutionary army as the main force so that they can successfully advance the revolutionary cause of safeguarding and realizing the independence of the masses of the people in whatever adversities and trials.

The characteristics of the Songun politics is that finally, it is the politics that pushes ahead with overall socialist construction with the revolutionary army as the main force by staunchly adhering to the principle of attaching importance to military affairs, the principle of giving top priority to military affairs.

The Songun politics is a socialist mode of politics that pushes ahead with overall socialist construction by attaching top priority to military affairs and with the revolutionary army as the main force.

The destiny of the masses of the people and social development are guided by politics and thereby, what kind of politics is adopted as the main mode of politics is of decisive significance in successfully shaping the destiny of the masses of the people and in propelling social development.

A mode of politics is an aggregate of means, method and system for implementing a political ideal. All politics are implemented by a certain mode of politics and their success or failure depends on what mode of politics they rely upon.

There can be several modes of socialist politics such as independent politics, benevolent politics, democratic politcs that provides political freedom and rights to people's hearts' content and the politics of revolutionary dictatorship that delivers a hard blow to the enemies of the revolution and people.

The countries that were building socialism in the past chose the combination of proletarian democracy with proletarian dictatorship among the modes of socialist politics and pursued it as their main and universal mode of socialist politics.

These countries regarded it as the universally accepted main mode of socialist politics that ensures democracy for those people and social groups who think and act in conformity with the class desire and demand of the working class, and that exercises dictatorship over those that did otherwise by means of suppression and punishment resorting to violent means such as the army, police and prison.

Conversely, the Songun politics, staunchly adheres to the principle of attaching importance to military affairs, the principle of giving priority to military affairs, and thereby defends the country, the revolution and socialism as an impregnable fortress from maneuvres of all sorts of enemies within and without, and at the same time, provides all democratic freedom and rights to the masses of the people to their hearts' content with the politics of independence and benevolence guaranteed by a powerful revolutionary armed forces, and thoroughly realizes the desire and interests of the people.

The Songun politics, also relies on strengthening the pivotal and pioneering role of the revolutionary army so that all the people and social groups learn after the fighting spirit and stamina of the revolutionary army and display their revolutionary, sense of organization and discipline, and combat capability in all fields of socialist construction including the economy and culture, thereby constant upswing and innovation are brought about in overall socialist construction.

The Songun politics adopted it as the main mode of socialist politics to give top priority to military affairs and accelerate overall socialist construction with the revolutionary army as the main force. This is a correct implementation of the Songun idea which regards the army as the main and pivotal political force of the revolution, quite different from the view of the past which held the army as a mere means in the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause.

The reality of our Republic today proves that the Songun politics is the most scientific and realistic one with its superiority and vitality incomparable to all the other politics that have existed in history.

Our Republic defined the Songun politics, the omnipotent treasure sword, as the main mode of socialist politics and has been strengthening its military power in every way on the principle of attaching importance to military affairs, the principle of giving priority to military affairs, and strengthening the position and enhancing the role of the revolutionary army as the main force in socialist construction. Consequently, it is vigorously advancing along its path of independence and socialism without a moment's delay or single concession and achieving splendid successes in the building of a thriving and civilized socialist country day by day.

It is the greatest fortune and glory for the masses of the people that the Songun politics has made its appearance in the political history of mankind as the omnipotent treasure sword for realizing the independence of the masses of the people.

The original Songun politics is providing the bright and promising future of shaping the destiny of the progressive peoples and social development.