Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is now shining brilliantly as a great guiding ideology of the era of independence, the Juche era, and illuminating brightly the way that the era should follow.
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is a great revolutionary ideology whose idea, theory and method of Juche have been systematized integrally.
The respected Comrade
"Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is an integral system of the idea, theory and method of Juche, and a great revolutionary ideology representative of the Juche era."
This means that Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism has the Juche idea as its quintessence in the content, and has the system of the idea, theory and method.
This shows the characteristics of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism in the aspects of its content and composition.
One of the characteristics of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is that it is the great revolutionary ideology with the Juche idea, which has been evolved for the first time in the history of ideologies of mankind, as its quintessence and consistent with the Songun idea.
This is the characteristic of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism in the aspect of its content.
The characteristics of a revolutionary idea are determined by its main contents, in particular, by the idea which forms its quintessence and by the idea which runs through it.
First of all, Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the great revolutionary ideology whose quintessence is the Juche idea which was evolved for the first time in the history of ideologies of mankind.
The quintessence of an idea is just the main idea, the ideological core which constitutes the starting point of the idea and runs through its overall system and contents.
The Juche idea is the idea which was evolved and systematized on the basis of the philosophical principle that man is the master of everything and decides everything.
It is a man-centred philosophical idea which was discovered for the first time in the history of ideologies of mankind. No philosophical ideas, except the Juche idea, were evolved and systematized focusing on man.
The Juche idea is the foundation and the main idea, the core, of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism. All the principles and propositions, the overall system and contents of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism have been evolved and systematized on the basis of the Juche idea.
The Juche idea is the most scientific and revolutionary outlook on the world focusing on man, the master of the world and his own destiny. It expounded absolutely correct viewpoint, stand and attitude about the world, with man at the centre of philosophical speculation. It clarifies scientifically the method of recognizing and transforming the world with man at the centre and the peculiar laws of social movement by positive action and role of man. For these reasons, it becomes the starting point, the foundation on which to correctly evolve and systematize the revolutionary theory and method of leadership of the current era, the era of independence.
The revolutionary theory of Juche and the method of leadership of Juche with the Juche idea as their quintessence also become man-centred, people-centred revolutionary theory and method of leadership.
The revolutionary theory of Juche places the popular masses at the centre of its consideration and clarifies the principle and theory, strategy and tactics relying on their inexhaustible strength. On the other hand, the method of leadership of Juche elucidates the best method of leading the popular masses with which to make the masses fulfil their responsibility and role as masters of the revolution and construction.
Next, Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the great revolutionary ideology consistent with the unique Songun idea.
There existed the ideologies and theories which emphasized the importance of military affairs in the history of ideologies of mankind, but there were no ideologies consistent with theories giving importance to military affairs.
The Songun idea is the idea of giving top priority to military affairs in accomplishing the cause of independence of the popular masses, the socialist cause, and pushing forward the overall revolution and construction with the revolutionary army as the main force.
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism runs through with and fully embodies the Songun idea.
The overall contents of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, particularly the revolutionary theory and method of leadership fully embody the fundamentals, principles and method of Songun revolution.
The Juche idea contains the Songun revolutionary idea asserting that independence which is the life and soul of man, the popular masses, and of the country and nation should be defended and realized only by force of arms.
The revolutionary theory of Juche contains the Songun revolutionary theory which embodies comprehensively the fundamentals and principles of Songun revolutionary theory and the mode of Songun politics.
The method of leadership of Juche contains the method of Songun revolutionary leadership which fully reflects the principles and system of Songun-based leadership and the art of Songun leadership.
In addition, the overall system and contents of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism fully embodies the fundamentals and principles, strategies and tactics of Songun.
Another characteristic of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is that it is a great revolutionary ideology in which the Juche idea and the revolutionary theory and leadership method based on it are integrally systematized.
This is the characteristic of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism clarified in the aspect of its composition.
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is different from other revolutionary ideas in that it has the Juche idea and the revolutionary theory and leadership method expounded on the basis of it as its components and that they are systematized in an integral way.
Of course, the Juche idea, the revolutionary theory of Juche and the leadership method of Juche which make up the components of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism have their own peculiar fundamentals and contents.
The contents of the Juche idea cover the man-centred philosophical principles which clearly show the way to shape the destiny of man in the light of world outlook; the contents of the revolutionary theory of Juche the fundamentals, strategies and tactics of revolution to defend and realize the independence of the popular masses; the leadership method of Juche the method of leading the masses so as to make them fully perform their role as befits the masters of the revolution and construction. But the Juche idea, the revolutionary theory of Juche and the leadership method of Juche as the guiding ideology, guiding theory and method of revolution indicating the way to realize the independence of the popular masses are closely combined in principles and contents and form one ideological and theoretical system.
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism forms an integral system of the idea, theory and method of Juche in its composition. It is associated with the historic mission it has for the era and revolution.
The mission is to show the way for the struggle to realize the independence of the popular masses in the current era, the era of independence in which the masses have emerged as masters of the world and their own destiny and make history independently and creatively.
In order to accomplish the mission, it had to clarify the philosophical thought that enables the masses to have the viewpoint and attitude of masters of the world and their own destiny and take part in the revolution in a responsible manner. It had to expound the revolutionary theory which comprehensively reflects the fundamentals, strategies and tactics of revolution to completely realize the independence of the masses. It had to elucidate the leadership method that enables the masses to fulfil their responsibility and role as masters of the revolution and construction.
For these reasons, Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism came to form an integral system of the Juche idea and the revolutionary theory and leadership method clarified on its basis.
In view of its contents, composition and system, Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the most scientific and original revolutionary ideology which has its own intrinsic characteristics.
The present revolutionary practice clearly proves the scientific accuracy and originality, validity and vitality of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the great revolutionary ideology representative of the era of independence, the Juche era.
Holding aloft Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the great revolutionary banner of the era of independence, the Juche era is the true way to realize the independence of countries and the popular masses.