
A Tribute to the Great Internationalist


The whole life of President Kim Il Sung is recorded as the brilliant history of the peerlessly great man who devoted his all to the cause of independence of the popular masses and that of a great man with noble sense of obligation and love unprecedented in the world history.

In retrospect, there are not a few great men in the history of mankind who gave support, encouragement and assistance to the people's struggle for justice and progress.

However, none of them assisted the revolutionary people struggling for anti-imperialist independence and social progress as materially and morally as President Kim Il Sung bearing deep in mind warm internationalist obligation and noble mission to the world revolution throughout his revolutionary life.

Chairman Kim Jong Il said:

"Comrade Kim Il Sung was the most steadfast communist and, at the same time, a peerless patriot, true nationalist and paragon among internationalists."

The President gave perfect answers to all theoretical and practical problems arising in national liberation, class emancipation, socialist revolution and construction, the world revolution and the human cause of independence through his extraordinary thinking and study, energetic ideological and theoretical activities and performed immortal exploits to shine long in history through the great revolutionary practice.

The President regarded it as his obligation and duty to help the people of the countries fighting against imperialism and for independence, not only in the first period of the his revolutionary life but also in the whole course of the anti-Japanese armed struggle and in the difficult period of the revolution and construction against the U.S. imperialists, the chieftain of world imperialism.

Even in the 1950s and 1960s, President Kim Il Sung put forth the Juche-oriented theory and principled issues concerning the world revolution in an original way and thus powerfully propelled the cause of independence against imperialism.

The President made public such classic works as "Let us resolutely repel the armed invasion of the U.S. imperialists", "The proletarian internationalism and the struggle of the Korean people", "Friendship and unity of the socialist states", "Let us intensify the anti-imperialist and anti-U.S. struggle" and "Let the progressive journalists of the five continents bitterly denounce the U.S. imperialists, holding high the pen of revolution".

"Comrade Kim Il Sung is a genuine proletarian internationalist and a model of the communist movement who defended the Soviet Union with his blood as well as his armed forces from imperialist aggression in the East."

This is a phrase of a toast made by Stalin at the banquet when the President led a government delegation in Juche 38 (1949) and paid an official goodwill visit to the Soviet Union.

The President firmly defended the Soviet Union, the first socialist state in the world, with arms, and also to help the Chinese revolution, he did his best even in difficult situation of leading anti-Japanese armed struggle without the support of any regular army and the state supply service, thus fulfilling his revolutionary obligation sealed in blood in the struggle for the common cause.

With boundlessly noble comradely obligation, President Kim Il Sung helped the Chinese revolution at the cost of his blood during the anti-Japanese war and set a noble example of internationalism that frustrated the Japanese imperialists' plan for aggression against the Soviet Union by means of powerful rear-harassing operations.

After liberation he gave every possible support for the victory of China's Northeast Liberation War.

The sincere material and moral support given by the President to the fighting Chinese people made a great contribution to tiding over the prevailing difficulties and turning the situation in favor of the Chinese revolution.

Therefore, the leaders of the elder generation of China paid high tribute to President Kim Il Sung who gave unsparing support for the victory of the Chinese revolution, saying that the blood of the Korean communists permeated in the Five Stars Flag of PRC.

Zhen Rui, a Chinese related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, who had experienced the internationalist obligation of the President in the battlefield of the anti-Japanese struggle, wrote in his memoirs.

"As is known by the world, the devotion of President Kim Il Sung to the Chinese revolution and the Chinese people in the whole period of the anti-Japanese revolution was truthful to all of us.

President Kim Il Sung, while waging a courageous armed struggle against the Japanese imperialists to liberate Korea, made unsparing efforts for the Chinese revolution valuing deep obligation with the outstanding generals of the anti-Japanese allied army in Northeast China

Sometimes the President sent without any hesitation the military commanders and soldiers who he had personally brought up and sometimes despite his own difficulties, he supported Chinese revolution by sending such things as ammunition and uniforms."

Even after liberation, the President gave material and moral support to the Chinese revolutionaries and people, thus making a decisive contribution to overcoming the difficulties and creating a favourable revolutionary situation in northeastern China.

The President was so faithful to his noble internationalist obligation and revolutionary conscience that he never thought of the cost of the support nor being repaid.

So Mao Zedong said that when China was in difficult situation, the Korean comrades helped them.

Zhou De, commander-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army of China, warmly said, "Friendship between Korea and China is a brilliant model, so the descendants should bear deep in mind the friendship sealed in blood."

The President attached great importance to the development of the anti-imperialist national liberation movement of other countries despite the difficult conditions of building socialism in direct confrontation with the U.S. imperialists and sincerely helped the oppressed people in their struggle.

In the early 1960s, when the U.S. imperialists manipulated the "Cuban Missile Crisis" with the aim of stifling the Cuban revolution in its infancy, the President extended full support and solidarity to the Cuban people and gave all forms of support to them.

The historic fact that the embassy staff and students of the DPRK fought in the same trench with the Cuban people who turned out to defend the gains of socialism with arms shows the immortal efforts of the President who devoted himself to the cause of independence against imperialism.

Vietnam was one of the countries at war which President Kim Il Sung rendered unsparing aid with noble internationalist obligation and noble revolutionary conscience.

When the U.S. imperialists provoked the "Tonkin Gulf Incident" in August 1964, he sincerely supported the anti-U.S. national salvation war of the Vietnamese people.

President Kim Il Sung dispatched the heroic pilots of the DPRK to the Vietnam Front to inflict mass death on the U.S. imperialist aerial bandits and other aggressors and despite economic hardships prevailing in his country, he made sure that millions of military uniforms and other materials were sent to Vietnam on a preferential basis.

Moved by the comradely friendship and revolutionary obligation of the President, Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam said that President Kim Il Sung was not only a savior of his destiny but also his own brother who sincerely helped his country.

The noble sense of obligation and support of the President can be found in the history of the struggle for accomplishing the cause of independence such as those of Cambodians and Laotians and of the peoples of the Arab countries including Egypt against Zionism and for regional peace and territorial integrity.

Therefore, when Jimmy Carter, former U.S. President who was hostile to our country met President Kim Il Sung during his visit to Korea in June Juche 83 (1994), he admired the greatness of the President, saying with deep emotion that the President is greater than the sum of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, who represented the founding and destiny of the U.S., and adding that President Kim Il Sung is the sun god of human destiny much greater than all the founding fathers of each country.

Indeed, the world people are holding the President in high esteem as "the genius of ideology produced by the 20th century", "great teacher" and "bright sun of the oppressed people in the world" and this is an eruption of boundless trust in the President, the sun of Juche who provided the world with eternal ideological and theoretical wealth.

The noble comradely obligation of the President Kim Il Sung served as the source of the victorious struggle to strengthen the anti-imperialist, independent and socialist forces, and he was a great man with broad magnanimity who trusted to the last and put forward as his eternal companion anyone struggling for independence.

Indeed, the immortal revolutionary exploits of President Kim Il Sung who illuminated the road of struggle and rendered material and moral support to the people of revolutionary countries with infinitely noble internationalist obligation and noble virtues from the early days of his revolutionary struggle will be handed down from generation to generation along with the era of independence.