The respected Comrade
President was the great leader and the benevolent father of the people.
There is a touching history of dawn telling the loving care for the people of the leader, who made strenuous and arduous efforts to build the people's houses, fill the people's rice chests and provide clothes for the people, getting wet with snow and rain for many years.
The dawn of fatherly leader, who kept people in his mind in his lifetime, was not an ordinary way for anyone to walk.
The road was the one of boundless affection for and devotion to the people of the leader who had taken to solve the inconvenience and hardship of the people, the pressing demands of their lives and even the slightest problem of the people's carelessness, fathoming every nook and cranny of people's life.
For the fatherly leader, the dawn was a time of happiness when he felt great joy in the way for the people.
The leader always used to greet the first dawn of the country before others, working late at night to provide the people with a delighted and happy life.
Once, an official, who was anxious about the health of the great leader, wished the leader a break even at dawn.
At that time, the great leader talked about the days of Mt. Paektu and said that getting up early in the morning was a habit hardened in the long course of his life, and that life did not allow him to be comfort in bed in the morning.
The dawn of the leader was the road of love for the people based on the great idea of belief in the people as in Heaven.
To trust people as in Heaven was the motto and creed kept by the leader for all his life.
With the noble idea that he should take responsible care of the destiny of the people who are regarded as Heaven to the last and bloom flowers even on the stones if the people wish, our leader developed the habit of Mt. Paektu to the invariable habit of the revolutionary and used to walk quietly on the road of the dawn of this country before others.
Thanks to the dawn of the leader, countless minor problems which the officials ignored in reality were corrected in time, turned out to be beneficial to the people's life.
When Pyongyang citizens felt uncomfortable because there was only one bridge in the River Taedong, he had another bridge of happiness called Okryu Bridge built there to ease the inconvenience of the people as soon as possible though it was very busy to carry out the national economic plan. This is also a story about our leader associated with the dawn.
One spring day he was walking along the road of the capital city at dawn when he earnestly said that the willows should not be cut because people wanted them even though they were difficult to manage and they were inappropriate as road side trees; at one winter dawn he said that children and women should not walk inconveniently on the snow-covered road. He took measures to provide them with winter shoes which are not to be cold and excellent to see by raising the necks of winter shoes, keeping the zippers on their sides and fixing cotton flannel; and at one early dawn he had houses built for those families with elderly parents neatly at the foot of sloping mountains, worried about the living conditions of senior citizens.
The dawn of the leader was the hours of the father who visited people endlessly in order to solve their difficulties in life.
The leader always had the idea of how people lived and what they were thinking, what would be done for them to make them happier, what was inconvenient in their lives, and whether they would not be distressed.
In this way, our leader used to open the door at the break of dawn to know everything first.
One day, at dawn the leader walked through the garden with a heavy heart in a cold dewy morning. It was the time when new dwelling houses were built in Pyongyang after the Korean War and the news of moving into new houses were being reported every day.
It was because he knew that the people who had moved into the new houses felt cold since dwelling houses had not been built as required by the Party.
Early in the morning that day, the leader visited the dwelling houses and said that the fireplace was not suited to the life of the Korean people, stressing the need to build the dwelling houses useful and cozy in keeping with the tastes of the people.
In order to acquaint himself with every aspect of the people's life, the leader looked round the streets and dwelling houses before daybreak, and dropped in at the shops before opening, and went on the road of love for the people's happiness.
The leader visited a smallish beancurd factory and a grocer's early in the morning when even housewives were not awake and had a taste of beancurd and foodstuffs which would be served on people's table and also visited the nameless ports of the West Sea to personally wear the raincoats of fishermen covered with fish scales and took care of their life with paternal affection. He shared pain the whole night with a management board chairman of a farm who lost over 30 family members by enemies and lit the future of the farm pushing rugged mountains in the cold dewy morning.
Remembering the dawn of the devoted efforts made by the leader for the people all his life, the name of "the dawn village" was created on this land, which cannot be found in the world.
It is the dawn of our leader that tells about the boundless world of his heart devoted to the people and clarifies what devoted service for them is.
As there were the roads at dawn travelled by the great leader for all his life, so the sky of this country is bright with glow, promising the new morning of happiness.