
The story of a famous piece of music


The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said;

"Masterpieces rouse people to the revolutionary struggle and the work of construction and remain long in history, along with significant events that have played a great role in social progress." ("KIM JONG IL Selected Works" Enlarged Edition, Vol. 15, P. 116)

The song "Who taught it to me" that the great leader showed great appreciation for is an excellent piece of music of the times. The song condenses the noble patriotism of the great leader who saw that the fatherland means the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and our party.

A feature film "The Song of Retrospect" was produced in the 1980s, and it moved a lot of people.

Everywhere in our country, people enjoyed talking about that film which depicted in an emotional way the heroic struggle of brave men of the Korean People's Army who defended even an inch of land at the cost of their lives during the Fatherland Liberation War and also about the theme song that expressed the soldiers' noble ideological and spiritual world in an emotional melody. But they failed to appreciate the philosophical depth of the theme song.

On January 2nd, Juche76(1987), the great leader called the writer who had produced the song together with the officials of the literature and arts sector by his side. He introduced the writer to the officials saying that he wrote a lot of lyrics including "I've come to know it", which is the theme song of a feature film "Wolmi Island". He continued that the song "Who taught it to me", the theme song of a feature film "The Song of Retrospect", was also well written and the song was one of the best songs that had been produced in the previous year. He said that although the writer did not use expressions such as "the party" and "the leader", one can have an emotional feeling towards the party, the leader, and the fatherland. After that, he suggested that they listen to the song together.

The officials present there were deeply moved by the song which evoked deep emotions and thoughts.

After the song was played, everybody was given to speculation appreciating the profound meaning of the song. The great leader said that the lyrics contained philosophy in it and he particularly liked the line "the blood-soaked flag my comrade handed over to me told me that it is the fatherland" and he emphasized that it is the main point of the song.

In the earlier days, the great leader had highly praised the USSR song "From what does the fatherland begin" in which the writer applauded his love for his fatherland, and he said ardently that he had always been thinking that we need the song of our fatherland of our own style.

"From what does the fatherland begin" was the theme song of a feature film which depicted a fierce struggle against the fascist German aggressors. There, the writer said that the fatherland starts from a school textbook and from a single white birch tree.

Of course, the textbook and the white birch tree are one part of the fatherland and they are also precious.

However, the song "Who taught it to me" raised crucial issues like what is more precious than the youth, the life and the lifetime as a rhetorical question and he provided a philosophical and literary answer to it by saying it is the bosom of the fatherland and the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.

He remarked that the Korean song "Who taught it to me" was much better than the USSR song and gave undeserved praise to the writer by saying that his wish to have a song of warm love for the fatherland was now realized.

Keeping every word of the great leader deep in their mind, the writer and the officials there could not but be overwhelmed by his speech. It was none other than the great leader himself who had instilled in our people's mind as faith that our fatherland is the very bosom of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the party.

Thanks to the ardent and profound patriotism of the great leader, many masterpieces of the times like the poem "My fatherland", "Mother", the song "I've come to know it." could be produced.

In his great bosom, the song "Who taught it to me" became a famous song the Korean people love.