Agriculture is the main problem to solve the food problem of human.
It's a very important matter to endlessly high ten the level of scientification and modernization in agriculture and to overcome the crisis of threatening the mankind's food matter to open up continuously the highest technology and advanced farming methods in agricultural spheres with the demand of the developing new century.
Tillage is the important technical process.
Tillage is one of the most effective methods to ensure high and safe production of crops by making a good condition suitable for agricultural production.
Man has continued to make study for effective use of the ground, the growth nests of cultivated crops, using the soil as the precious production resources reviving everything.
From the times they did farms with farming tools for a long time with man's appearance and the times they use mould board plough till today, it came to be checked that traditional tillage is unfit in many ways, for protecting the ground constantly and increasing the agricultural production power more and more.
So, now it is a matter of the utmost urgency to change the traditional tillage way into more advanced one.
Therefore, it is one of the urgent tasks to establish the scientific and magnificent tillage technique system by strengthening the study on tillage.
So recently in many countries of the world, they are paying natural attention to tillage and solving a lot of reserves of grain production from tillage.
Here, conservation tillage technology is one that is recognized as advanced technology and adapted widely.
Conservation tillage technology is being studied and provided in many forms such as no-tillage, subsoil tillage, paring tillage, partial tillage, and, tillage and drilling.
As conservation tillage is widely bring studied and provided, the study on the conservation tillage machine is being done in some ways and through this, some types of machines studied and developed, are being adapted.
They are mostly subsoiler, spear head plough powered rotary-tiller, disk tiller, compound tiller for no-tillage and paring plough.
But there still remain a lot of unknown study problems to be solved in tillage machine study.
We haven't explored the machine with the simple structure, with high production efficiency, and that ensures work qualities to satisfy technical demands of conservation tillage with small energy at once.
In our country, too, the questing to establish the compound paddy tiller technology system to ensure the economic profit of paddy field rice is being a raised urgently.
From the demand of real development we explored and introduced to production, "Migok-No1"compound paddy tiller that be able to plough, harrow and level the ground at a time to conduct the paddy field tillage before rice transplantation more profitably.
On October 8, Juche 98(2009) the great general who called at Migok co-operative farm in Sariwon saw the compound paddy tiller" Migok – No.1" in person.
He said this machine is very interesting and good.
And he highly estimated, saying it is worth proud to invent and use it according to the real condition of Migok co-operative farm.
Compound paddy tiller "Migok – No.1" consists of the compound structure arranged the bumping plough with sloping cutting edge in the front part, rotary tiller in the middle part and curved teeth in the rear.
When the machine moves, 20~25cm soil stratum of the natural state, being dug by the bumping plough in the front, are broken as mass form.
Next the rotary tiller located in the middle part levels the ground primarily, cutting and breaking the dug tillage stratum as 8~9cm in depth.
At last, the curved tooth beam located in the rear level the ground finally, again breaking the 8~9cm –depth- tillage stratum.
The compound paddy tiller "Migok – No.1" having such a structural action feature, complete the rice field tillage before rice-transplantation with one or two times of tillage in the dry field.
The compound paddy tiller "Migok – No.1" digs and breaks the dry field and keeps the primary field level by leveling the ground.
It has also little movement and mixture of the soil and makes tillage stratum two stratums of mass structure to ensure the soil condition favorable to rice growth.
Also it processes tillage, harrowing and leveling the ground at a time.
Therefore it has economic signification ground consolidation, oil consumption, tractor-use-number and decrease of field water.