Preventing nosocomial infection such as tuberculosis and acute hepatitis is very important to prevent the dissemination of acute epidemic diseases and improve the quality of medical service.
Thus, we have attached great importance to prevention of the dissemination of nosocomial infection for informationizing the hospital management and established the epidemic surveillance system related to epidemic diseases such as tuberculosis and acute hepatitis.
For this purpose, we have built up LAN, including not only clinical departments but also laboratory and anti-epidemic department, and established the epidemic surveillance system.
The laboratory has analyzed the samples and sent the results to the clinical departments and when patients with epidemic disease were detected, sent the information to the related departments and anti-epidemic department.
On the basis of this information, the anti-epidemic department send patients to specialized hospitals or inform the residential area and isolate patients from others.
So, we have decreased the nosocomial infection by 10%, protected and improved patients' health by detecting and taking measures for the patients with epidemic disease in time.
We will complete the epidemic surveillance system further and protect the nosocomial infection due to various epidemic diseases thoroughly in the future.