
Division Method of Several Morphological Characteristics for Classification of Potato Germplasm


The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung said.

"The University should investigate the country's natural resources. It should conduct proper research for rational utilization of the resources." ("KIM IL SUNG WORKS" Vol.7 p.131)

The germplasm researches like collection, estimation, storage and information management take very important place in research for fosterage of good strains of seed, production of seed and cultivation technology of highly yields and are beginning processes of potato research.

In many countries under the deepening of research for potato germplasm management, the peculiar potato germplasm management systems have been established and the research on standardization of classification method of potato varieties are being carried out in order to realize the effective exchange of potato germplasm and its information.

There is the potato germplasm management system containing potato science researchers and germplasm storage researchers in our country.

It is studying on the technology for collection, features, estimation, storage and information man, agement of germplasms

In information engineering department, Pyongyang Agricultural College of Kim Il Sung University, they found the classification method of potato germplasm to accomplish party's potato farm revolution policy and increase the farm production by practices the many new good bread that have the good products and tolerance the bad climate in production quickly, and researched for scientification, standardization, informationization of management the germplasm.

We classified potato germplasm and established germplasm information management system after studied on selection the indices to divide the germplasm according their features and found signs by the observation about morphological biologic characteristics of potato varieties.

The scientist research for standardization of classification method under deepening of research for potato germplasm management, but it has the limitative to utilization, management, exchange and collection with germplasm because each country has the difference between ecology environment condition, growth condition, germplasm capacity and level of study for classification indices and method of germplasm.

First, we widely collected the potato germplasm in our country and observed their morphological characteristics and found the code for selected the indices that can be divided.

Next, we studied on standardization for this code.

In the study, local varieties which are conserved in our country were used.

The experimental fields are situated in the high land region and low land region and the morphological characteristics were investigated comparatively between high land and low lands.

The seed potato were sprouted until 2~5㎜ of sprouts length under 15~20℃ of temperature and 500~1 000lx of light intensity, and specially until 2~5㎝ of sprouts length for the seed potato which were used in investigation of sprouts.

The planting density were 20 plants per pyong, the numbers of investigation were 100plants.

Observation method is following below.

For the plant height of potato germplasm it was measured in two ways: length from the surface of land to bottom of the floral axis of the most height stem in a plant at the opening of florescence for the florescent varieties, length from the surface of land to the top node in a plant for the other varieties.

The number of stem per plant was counted using the calculation of number of main stems that have grown directly from seed potato at the opening of florescence, number of branches was counted using the calculation of number of branches that have grown from main stems, and the thickness of stem measured bottom diameter of the main stem.

The plant type measured the angles between the ground and stems at the florescence and in special for the groundling varieties it was investigated according as front or back of leaves.

And change of the plant type was investigated until the harvesting season.

Color of the stems was investigated by the observation of main color, different size spots and patterns color using the hand lens.

The leaf type was observed by watching the difference of leaflets distribution and number of folioles in an overlapping petal between the varieties.

The florescence was investigated by the calculation of florescence percentage of investigated plants, color and shape of flower (corolla, stigma, anther, pedicel, calyxes) were investigated using naked eye and hand lens.

In the first step color and shape of tuber were investigated immediately after the harvesting and it selected the 5~10 typical tubers and investigated their color using naked eye and hand lens and it investigated the shape by measuring length, large, thickness, their proportion and remarkable shape.

The indices and values according morphological biologic characteristics such as shape of plant, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, germ which we set.

The indices of morphological characteristics of plant

3rd classes - erect (Angle between ground and stems is about 90゜)

5th class - semi-erect(Angle between ground and stems is 45~90゜)

7th class - spread(Angle between ground and stems is below 45゜)

Shape of stem wing

1- straight, 2- wave, 3- saw tooth

Shape of transverse section

1: trilateral, 2: quadrilateral, 3: polygon, 4: cylindrical

Color of stem

G: green, Br: brown, P: purple, 7P: deep purple

In this way, we set and coded form that potato flower morphological biologic characteristics of color of potato, brightness of leaf surface, shape of leaf round, density of leaf down, state of leaflet, shape of leaflet, shape of stipule are shape, size, color of corolla, color of flower stipule, shape of compound leaf flower, color of flower stalk node, flowering property, shape of pollination and in case of potato they are shape, surface color, inside color and in case of potato germ they are shape, color of bottom of germ, shape of end part of germ, germ color, level of leaf down, depth, color, number of spear.

Thus, potato germplasm information management system is established by selection and coding the division indices that can classify the morphological biologic characteristics of potato germplasm.

We studied on selection and standardization about the morphological characteristics of potato and the sign. So we can divided to every kind's of plant in potato germplasm and seed production, using the conserved every potato germplasm in our country, provide of scientific accuracy, compatibility and convenience in realize the effective exchange of germplasm with many countries and CIP.

We will solve the food and eating problem by scientification, informationization of potato germplasm management technology with research achievement.