
The Acupuncture therapy for Menorrhagia due to Uterine Myoma


The main symptoms such as hypermenorrhagia and prolonged menstruation in uterine myoma are unhappy problems for the health and life of women. The hysterectomy is the most common treatment in this disease. But for non-indications or perimenopausal women, the drugs and other methods are used.

The lectures of Koryo obstetric and gynecology department in Pyongyang Medical Collage of Kim Il Sung University did the study on the acupuncture therapy for menorrhagia due to uterine myoma instead of drugs.

We recruited 105 women who were diagnosed as uterine myoma specially with hypermenorrhagia and prolonged menstruation in Pyongyang Maternity Hospital from January, 2011 to December, 2014.

The study object was divided into 3 groups such as study group; 45 cases, control group A; 42 cases and control group B; 18 cases. The youngest was 22 yrs and the oldest was 52 yrs. The average of age was 36.2 yrs, the shortest history was 6 months and longest history was 15 years. The average of history was 4.06 years.

SP6, SP1, SP10 and GB34 were selected for study group. Form the 2nd day of menstruation we applied these acupoints for 15 min giving strong stimulation with the interval of 5 minutes once per day to study groups. The therapy period is 5 days.

0.02% Ergometrine 1ml, 0.5% Adona 4ml and Vitamin K3 1ml were given IM for control group A. There was not any treatment for the control group B.

Totally haemostasis cases in study group were 38 (84.4%) and 37 (85.8%) in control group A with significant difference comparing control group B (P<0.01). There was not difference between study and control group A (P>0.05). After 5th day of treatment in study group, the complete haemostasis cases were 31 that was 81.6% of total haemostasis.

The amount of bleeding was decreased from 2nd day of treatment in study and control group A while it was decreased from 8th day of treatment in control group B.

Almost cases in study and control group A have recovered the normal menstrual cycle after treatment, but not change in menstrual cycle in control group B. The efficacy of treatment in study and control group A were more valuable in myoma in metrium than submucosal myoma (P<0.05).

The hemorrhage and coagulation before and after treatment were 69.32±8.32 seconds and 49.79±5.12seconds in study group, 68.49±7.99seconds and 50.32±5.43seconds in control group A. There was significant difference before and after treatment (P<0.05). No difference between two groups and no change in control group B.

The number of thrombocytes increased from 0.15±0.03T/L before treatment to 0.17±0.04T/L after treatment (P<0.05) with no change of other indexes in study group while no changes in all indexes in control group A.

The thickness of endometrium increased in 5th day of treatment in study and control group A (P<0.05) while no change of it in control group B. There was no significant difference between study and control group A.

The total efficacy was 38 (84.4%) in study group, 36 (85.7%) in control group A and 2 (11.1%) in control group B which was higher in study and control group A than control group B (P<0.01). There was no significant difference between study and control group A (P>0.05).

The study with acupuncture for gynecological diseases will be continued.