
Fatherly Love associated with the introduction of the Processed Fruit Products of Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory


The noble love of Chairman Kim Jong Il, who devoted his all for the happiness of the people all his life, regarding "The people are my God" as his maxim, is reflected in the processed fruit products the people enjoy.

Chairman Kim Jong Il said as follows.

"It is also necessary to give a wide publicity to the processed fruits produced by the Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory."

Chairman Kim Jong Il gave on-the-spot guidance to the Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory on 21 July 2011. When he dropped in the commodity exhibition room, he expressed his satisfaction that the products were great and good-looking estimating the temperature of the exhibition refrigerator in person and looking around the products. Then he said, while looking around canned products of apple and peach jam, that the people would like them if they were for sale at shops. He was also pleased to see that the products were in a variety packaging: there were plastic bottles or cartons of apple juice and carbohydrate juice, and there were also different sizes of apple juice cartons either with lids or suck-through straws.

The factory looked brighter as he smiled brightly.

For a moment, he remained silent. It seemed that Chairman Kim Jong Il was envisioning the people who would be pleased to receive all kinds of those tasty and nutritious processed fruits. Then he said that he was happy to see that the processed fruit products rather than raw ones could now be sold to the people adding that Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory should produce healthy and tasty processed fruit products in larger quantities and sell them to the people who turned out in the building of a powerful socialist country. He continued that our people would prefer to buy the processed fruit products produced by the Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory when the products are distributed to the shops. He stressed the need to further study and improve the quality of the processed fruit products in the Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory in conformity with the tastes of the Korean people.

The officials were firmly determined to further improve the quality of the processed fruits to suit to the tastes of the Korean people true to the instructions of the great leader.

Looking round the officials, he stressed the need to give wide publicity to the start of production at the Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory, and instructed that all the production processes of the factory should be filmed so that modern equipment could be operated and various kinds of processed fruit could be broadcast on TV to every people in the country.

He also emphasized that they should call journalists to visit the Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory and make sure that senior officials of the Party and the state visit it.

It was a measure of warm affection which could be taken only by the Chairman, who was so concerned to provide the people with good-quality processed fruit products.

Today the Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory is glorifying its name as a leading fruit processing base for the people under the wise guidance of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who embodied the love of Chairman Kim Jong Il for the people.

While visiting the Taedonggang General Fruit Farm on 17 August 2015, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that the farm was a patriotic one of the Chairman, who had worked hard to provide more apples to the people, adding that the factory should produce a lot of processed fruit products and send them to Pyongyang citizens so that they can feel his love and benevolence and hand it down from generation to generation.

Today the officials and employees of the Taedonggang General Fruit Processing Factory are boosting the production, true to the noble intention of the sacred love for the people of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.