Rim Chol, Faculty of Philosophy, Kim Il Sung University
There are many songs depicting the warm love of the General Kim Jong Il for the rising generation on this land where children are regarded as kings.
"The General to the Front, the Children to the Camp"
This song, which was written taking a hint of the front path and the camp, depicts the noble love of the General Kim Jong Il who spared nothing for the rising generations all his life.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said as follows.
"Whatever we do, we must do it most creditably and perfectly so that the coming generations can enjoy the benefits even in the distant future, even though we may not enjoy them in our lifetime – this was his ennobling intention and an earnest request he always made."
It was a spring day when General Kim Jong Il made a long journey of the Songun Revolutionary leadership. The car, running along the Chol Pass covered with royal azaleas in full blossom, stopped in one place. Out of the car window, the children in white camper's caps were seen marching along the mountain path, singing cheerfully with the flag of Children's Union ahead of the group.
He, who had stopped to see the pretty children going to the camp, smiled with pleasure. On the day, only when the campers of the Children's Union disappeared in the distance, did he continue along the rough road of Chol Pass.
The General to the Front, the Children to the Camp!
Not being merely a line of a song, but being a synonym of noble love of General Kim Jong Il, this sentence symbolizes his boundless devotion to and the great love and warm affection for the rising generation, the future of the country.
Thus, the children on this land could grow happily without anything to envy in the world, unaware of the dark clouds of fire, under the loving care of General Kim Jong Il who used to visit Children's Union Camps even though he was busy conducting the affairs of state and showed boundless love for the children and continued the road of death-defying struggle to defend their happy life, saying that the purpose of the revolutionary struggle was to provide the children with best happiness.
Indeed, the loving care shown by General Kim Jong Il for the rising generation still touches the heartstrings of people today with the song "The General to the Front, the Children to the Camp".