
World Historic Significance of the Victory of the Fatherland Liberation War


It has been 70 years since we emerged victorious in the three-year Fatherland Liberation War under the wise leadership of the President Kim Il Sung.

Our Republic, who was "weak", defeated the military offense of the US which boasted themselves as a world "supreme power" and its vassal forces in this war which was so called the showdown between rifle and atomic bomb and defended our land and sovereignty at the cost of our lives. This was an extraordinary event that wrote heroic legend that is unprecedented in the history of our nation and world wars.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said;

"We defended the dignity, honour and sovereignty of our Republic, protected the environment for our state's independent development, checked the ambition of the US imperialists for world supremacy, and safeguarded peace for mankind by preventing a new world war. Herein lies the great significance of the Fatherland Liberation War in the history of our nation and the world history of warfare."

The victory of the Fatherland Liberation War was, first of all, a world historic event which checked US's attempt to make an inroad into Asia and the realization of the strategy to rule the world and defended peace by checking a new world war.

Korean War was the first aggressive war due to the US strategy to rule the world after World War Ⅱ and a prelude to realize it.

The US which became economically rich thanks to the World War Ⅱ and assumed military hegemony in the capitalist world, thus becoming the head of the world imperialism. After the World War Ⅱ, it regarded the realization of the strategy to rule the world as the general target of foreign policy after the world war.

Truman, US President, in his letter to the parliament on Dec 19th, 1945, said that the US assumed "the heavy responsibility to rule the world", and set the ruling of the world as their general target of foreign policy and also the puppet propaganda institutions in the USA started to advertise the formation of "international state", "international union" which were ruled by the US.

At that time, however, within the reactionary ruling circles of the United States, there was a great debate between two parties with the issue that where the aggressive war to dominate the world started first and where the breakthrough to destroy the socialist democratic forces should be made, in other words, where the focus of the aggressive policy to rule the world should be put.

The US imperialists attached great significance to the east in the two vast encirclements of the socialist countries, and the foreign policy of the US imperialist was becoming focused on attaching importance to the Far East.

The US imperialists regarded the domination of the Korean peninsula as the first step in realizing the strategy of world domination in order to put an end to the flames of the anti-imperialist struggle in Asia, particularly in the Far East, and established the control over the whole Asian continent.

Geographically, Korea is the gateway to China and the Soviet Union, and it is close to Japan.

Therefore, the US imperialists regarded as the only and strong contact point between the military base of the US army and the Asian continent, the strategic point where the Korean peninsula can be dealt a military blow to any part of the Far East, and the crossing to the continent where China and the Soviet Union can jump into, and the outpost line of the Far East.

In a word, the geographical location of the Korean peninsula was fully aligned with the direction of the US imperialists' world domination at that time, which was set as Far East to Asia and the whole world.

For this reason, the US imperialists, who chose the Korean peninsula as an important target of the nuclear war strategy for world domination, provoked the Korean War on June 25, 1950.

After starting the war and taking over the whole of Korea, the US imperialists set the stage for expanding the flames of war to the Asian continent and provoking the ‘World War Ⅲ'.

It has been well known through their War Plan "A, B, C".

The plan was to divide the war into three stages, stage 1 (A) was to start Korean War with US and puppet army, stage 2 (B) joining the rearmed Japanese army and the Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jie Shi) Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) army, to expand the flames of the war into Manchuria, and stage 3(C) was to occupy the whole of Siberia to the Urals in Russia. This indicates that the plan was aimed at provoking the Korean War by the US imperialists and extending it to the world war, and was the main plan concerning the outbreak of the Korean War.

When the Korean War ended, the US imperialists predicted that the "World War Ⅲ" preparations had been completed, and attempted to invade the whole of Asia in succession and conquer the whole world.

If the Korean war extended to "World War Ⅲ", according to the aggressive military strategy of the US, it would lead to an all-out nuclear war, which could lead to a nuclear disaster on mankind.

Therefore, the struggle of our people against the invasion of the US imperialists was directly linked to the destiny of the world socialist countries and the world peace.

Under the wise leadership of the President Kim Il Sung, all the Korean people turned out as one in the life-and-death struggle against the imperialist allied forces with the US imperialists as their boss, annihilated them and won the victory, thus defending the sovereignty of the country and the dignity of the nation and at the same time dealing a heavy blow to the moves of the US imperialists to take the first step in realizing the world domination in Korea.

Our people, by their heroic struggle, crushed the aggressive ambition of the US imperialists to occupy the Asian continent and dominate the whole world by expanding the Korean War, thus firmly defending the eastern fortress of socialism, as well as reliably defending the world peace and the security of the socialist countries.

The victory in the Fatherland Liberation War remarkably accelerated the growth of the anti-imperialist independent forces and drove the imperialist reactionary forces headed by the US imperialists to a serious crisis.

As it shows, the victory of our people in the Fatherland Liberation War in the 1950s was a historic world event that made a distinguished contribution to defending human peace by impeding the US imperialists' implementation of the strategy for world domination and saving mankind from the nuclear holocaust.

The victory in the Fatherland Liberation War was a world historic event that spurred the change of the world political structure and the trend of the times towards independence and socialism.

The most noticeable changes in the world political structure after the Korean War is the remarkable weakening of the imperialist reactionary forces while the international democratic forces have been decisively strengthened.

As our people emerged victorious in the Korean War as the first all-out war of socialism against capitalism, the independent forces against the ruling forces, the front line of socialism has been safeguarded and the anti-imperialist independent forces rapidly expanded.

Under the wise leadership of the President, our people firmly defended the front line of socialism so that the world people could prevent the disastrous war and continue their peaceful labor, and the people of the socialist countries could accelerate socialist construction in a peaceful environment.

By the late 1950s, more than a third of the world's population had entered the road of socialism, and the banner of socialism was fluttering in the vast area of over a quarter of the earth.

Realizing the validity of the road pioneered by our people in the great Fatherland Liberation War, the people of the newly independent countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have strengthened the common ties in the road of building a new society under the banner of the anti-imperialist struggle, and as a result, the non-aligned movement, the anti-imperialist independent force, has emerged.

The non-aligned movement led to the formation of powerful forces, which in the mid-1960s accounted for two-thirds of the world's population and 71% of the globe.

This was the second great political event after the emergence of the socialist forces in human history after World War Ⅱ, which meant another great anti-imperialist independent force in our era, and was a heavy blow against the imperialists with US as their leader.

The victory of our people in the Fatherland Liberation War lies in the fact that the world progressive people are encouraged to fight bravely with the aspiration to live independently, with the sense of anti-imperialist, anti-US struggle, and they will provide the world progressive people with powerful ideological and spiritual weapons for independence and socialism.

With the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War as a turning point, the slogan "Let us fight like Korean people!" have been heard among the world progressive people, and by the 1960s the national-liberation struggle in colonial countries, the anti-imperialist and anti-US struggle had entered a period of great upheaval, and the final collapse of the imperialist colonial system was accelerated by this struggle.

In Asia, Africa and Latin America, many oppressed people won the fierce struggle against the imperialists and won national independence.

The victory in Korean War greatly encouraged the final victory of the liberation struggle of the Vietnamese and other Southeast Asian people.

Thanks to the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, the world people had lost their illusions about the myth of the US imperialists' "mightiness" and brought a fierce storm of anti-imperialism and anti-US struggle to the whole world.

Like this, the brilliant victory won by our people under the leadership of President was a historic event that dynamically led the struggle of mankind to advance towards independence and socialism.

Indeed, the great victory our people achieved in the Fatherland Liberation War under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung was a great event of great significance in the history of our nation and the history of the world.

The Korean people will fight vigorously to usher in a new era of prosperous powerful country, holding as a treasured sword, the ever-victorious tradition of victory achieved by the President and the Chairman and successfully inherited by the respected General Secretary.