The respected Comrade
"Bolstering the country's economy and improving the people's standard of living constitute the most important of the instructions given by the great Comrades
The life of the President was the noble life of the popular leader who regarded the people as in Heaven as his motto and applied it to his idea and leadership and brought it into reality.
The noble history of love for the people embroidered by the President is associated with the efforts devoted to improving the diet, which plays an important role in the people's livelihood.
He visited Changsong County, North Phyongan Province in July, Juche 50(1961) and went to the corn processing factory after visiting the Changsong Foodstuff Factory and the Textile Factory to have a good grasp of the specific conditions of the factories.
Guided by the officials of the factory, the President went inside and looked round the process of peeling bark from corn first, expressing satisfaction that mechanization was fully done.
When the officials of the factory reported that all the processes were mechanized from the first to the last, the great leader was very pleased and asked which factory manufactured the corn processing equipment.
Hearing that they were made at local industrial factories in the province, the President again asked how much steel was used to make those corn processing equipment.
Listening to the officials' reply that they all had ten tons of steel, the great leader calculated something for a moment, and earnestly said that it would take only two thousand tons of steel to produce and generalize those equipment to the whole country and that it would be necessary to quickly produce and generalize it to the whole country.
Highly appreciating that they had done a very good job in Changsong, he stressed the need to solve the problem of processing corn at any cost.
The construction of the corn processing factory is associated with a moving story.
When visiting an agricultural cooperative in Changsong County in the summer of Juche 44 (1955), the President acquainted himself with the life of its members and visited a farmhouse at dusk.
Unexpectedly, the aunt of the house, who had greeted the great leader, was confused and bewildered.
The great leader sat knee to knee with her and kindly asked how many family members there were and what she had for dinner in the evening.
When she hesitated and did not answer, the great leader personally opened the lid of the oven.
And there was the rice made with an uncrushed maize left after dinner in the evening.
Seeing it, the great leader did not speak for a while as if he were heartbroken.
Later, at the Presidium of the Cabinet and other meetings in July, Juche 46 (1957), the great leader earnestly instructed the officials to make uncrushed corn into corn rice and supply the people with it.
Under the grim conditions of the anti-Japanese armed struggle in the past, the President did not feed the men with uncrushed maize as it was, and waged a uncompromising struggle against the practice of supplying uncrushed corn as it was, stressing that today we should take decisive measures to process and supply the people with it in the future.
And the fatherly leader said that if corn is processed throughout the country, the people would not eat uncrushed corn as it is and it will be possible to supply them with more oil.
Afterwards, too, the President had stressed the issue of rapidly building a corn processing factory and solved the necessary equipment and materials.
The Changsong Corn Processing Factory had been built under the care of the great leader.
Saying that the corn-processing factories were well built, the great leader looked round each process in detail and stopped before the corn rice storage tank.
Then he looked at the corn rice in his hand and asked if the people liked it.
An official replied that people like it.
But the great leader spread the corn rice in the palm of his hand and told him to tell about the wrong processed point.
The great leader said that the disadvantage in processing corn rice was that the grain of rice was uneven first, and then the corn flour was produced in large quantities.
The great leader told the officials who felt immersed in remorse that when they mixed corn rice with white rice to cook, the corn rice was first boiled in the oven, and then the white rice was put on it, and that if the large grain of corn rice was boiled to be done, the small grain would become loose into gruel, and if the small grain was boiled to be done, the large grain would be underdone, and how uncomfortable the women would be to prepare food.
He told officials that he himself had studied corn to make it into rice and cooked corn rice several times, and talked with the peasants many times; according to them, corn rice was the most appropriate size to split one-sixth of a grain of corn.
At that moment, the officials realized how much the fatherly leader was concerned for the people's diet.
The great leader said that coming here today, the people of Changsong had solved the problem of processing corn, adding that he had long planned the problem of processing corn and made efforts to realize it, but with some shortcomings, he was very pleased that you had solved the problem.
Stepping forward, the great leader asked how much corn rice could be produced a year.
When an official of the factory replied that 9,000 tons could be processed if they worked three shifts, the great leader said that if they worked two shifts, they would be able to do 6,000 tons, adding that they would have to process and supply corn rice well in the future and that such a factory should be built elsewhere.
Soon afterwards, looking round the compound of the factory, the great leader said; if uncrushed maize is eaten intact, there is plenty of waste; if corn is processed, rice is eaten by man; bark and by-products can be used as fodder for livestock; and how good it is because embryo bud of maize can be used for the people by squeezing oil.
Afterwards, the President saw to it that the Changsong Corn Processing Factory should be generalized all across the country and took a revolutionary step to ensure that all the machine factories produce and supply the equipment for the corn processing factory on a preferential basis.
Thus, in one or two years, factories were built in every province, city, county and workers' district to process uncrushed corn into rice and squeeze oil with the maize embryo from it.
Since then, our people have been deprived of grinding corn on quern or eating uncrushed maize intact, and the people have had corn rice for their food well-processed at the modern factories.