
Not for a day and half, but always


It is the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's principle to regard scientists, who are at the forefront in the building of socialist power, as the most precious assets of the country and spare nothing for them, even ready to pluck a star from the sky if it is for the sake of them.

Among the impressive anecdotes that show how much importance he attaches to science is the one associated with the State Academy of Sciences situated in the Unjong District Science Area.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"We should value and give prominence to scientists and technicians and provide them with good working and living conditions so that they can apply themselves to their scientific research."

On the early morning of January 14, Juche 103 (2014) he inspected the State Academy of Sciences.

Exchanging greetings with its officials, he said he was there to solve the problem of housing for its scientists. Saying that it was essential to fix the construction site of apartments for a thousand and several hundred families and work out a good plan to build the apartments on the highest possible level, he assured them that the project was quite feasible because there were powerful construction forces with rich experience. Then, he set the days of the beginning and completing the project.

All morning he looked round different places of the academy, giving important instructions which would serve as a guideline in developing the science of the country.

Then, he left for Lake Yonphung where a holiday camp for scientists would go up.

In the previous year, he had inspected the lake by boat to choose a site for the construction of the holiday camp on the picturesque lakeside.

Now he went there again to decide the site finally. He said that the scenery was really good and its location was excellent as well.

He went on to say that the best holiday camp for scientists should be built on the place associated with the leadership achievements of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il. That way they would ensure the scientists and technicians had a nice holiday there, he said. He also solved all problems relating to the project, including the designing, the supply of materials and the formation of the construction force.

The following happened that evening.

A senior official of the academy, who had had the honour to accompany the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un all day long, was sent for again.

He was going to spend the evening as well for our scientists, the official thought. Then what had happened during the day from when the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un unexpectedly phoned him flashed through his mind one after another.

He had been quite deeply impressed by the affectionate words the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said about how to name the street to be built in the Unjong District Science Area.. And he had been repeatedly moved to tears as he saw the respected Marshal taking the trouble to reach a spot on the shore of Lake Yonphung (he had already been there to designate it) where there were no roads at all and few people had been. While finding a path on a map, and walking along untrodden snowy and fallen leaves-scattered paths he looked round different places in order to fix the site for the holiday camp.

In the afternoon the day before, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gave instructions to a senior official in the sector of science and education on the construction of a scientist's street. Consequently, he spent a day and a half working for the sake of scientists.

The senior official of the academy who had witnessed those hours had an impulse to convey this legend-like story to all the people in the country. Seeing the leader spend even his evening hours for the sake of the scientists he even got an idea of the title of his writing.

An official, who understood the thought of the academy official, told the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un that the official of the academy was going to write a story about the care he had shown for the scientists that day, and that the official had already thought of the title "A Day and Half for Scientists".

All the officials present there nodded their approval.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un told him with affection that he was always thinking of the scientists, not only for a day and half.

The officials felt a lump in their throat at his meaningful words. The academy official inwardly exclaimed, Oh! Dear Comrade Kim Jong Un!

The academy official knew well how precious the thirty-six hours was for the revolutionary activities of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who brings about great changes on this land while counting every minute and second of his time. However, he always keeps the thought of scientists in his mind.

Now the academy official recalled the previous year. In January and February 2013 the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un met scientists working in the sector of satellite and national defense. In May he visited the turf institute and in July the construction site of houses for scientists. In September and October there took place the house moving at the Unha Scientist's Street and the apartment houses for teachers of Kim Il Sung University. In November there took place the national conference of scientists and technicians.

Indeed, scientists in the country experienced such events year after year.

The thirty-six hours of the leader's devotion to the academy is attributable to his mind that is willing to dedicate the whole life to the development of science and the welfare of the scientists.

Seeing the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un talking about his care for scientists full of enthusiasm, the senior official of the academy told himself: Infinite is the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's world of great care for and trust in the scientists. There will be no regret even though I dedicate my whole life to the research work to repay his care and trust.

This is how the legendary story "Not for a day and half, but always" which the scientists of the State Academy of Sciences tell and retell, came into existence.

It is natural that care and trust will surely be rewarded.

All the scientists and technicians in the country are working with a revolutionary will and burning enthusiasm to repay to the great trust and expectations of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un with greater scientific and technological achievements.

With unusual resolution and fervent enthusiasm befitting their position in the outpost of defending socialism they are adding luster to the dignity and honor of being the scientists of the glorious era of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un by constantly waging the campaign to surpass the cutting edge.