
DPRK is the cradle of eternal life and happiness of the Korean people


Today the Korean people are enjoying to their hearts' content their true life and happiness as social beings under the warm care of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, their glorious fatherland.

As they have the Republic which was founded by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and had been glorified by the great generalissimos, they've become the true masters of the state and society for the first time in its history of 5 000 years. They have become independent and creative people who create a new era of history with their own destiny in their own hands and have become dignified and powerful people nobody dares to toy with.

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said as follows.

"Our country is the cradle of true life and happiness of all our people and the mother's embrace that assures their bright future."

The DPRK is the cradle of eternal life and everlasting happiness of our people. This means that it is the home of true life and happiness for the popular masses and a true government of the people which takes responsibility and cares for the destiny and future of our people.

The reason why the DPRK becomes the cradle of the eternal life and happiness of our people is that, first of all, it provides them with all sorts of political rights and freedom in all aspects.

Man is a social being with independence, creativity and consciousness as one's essential characteristics, and for that, he demands to live and develop as the master of the world and of his own destiny free from all kinds of restriction and subordination of nature and society. This intrinsic demand of man as a social being is realized through one's true life and happiness.

Although the popular masses aspire after the true life and happiness intrinsic to a social being, they cannot be realized properly in any society.

The exploiting society is the reactionary and anti-popular social system in which the reactionary ruling class, the exploiting class hold the exclusive possession of everything in society including state power and means of production, and suppress and exploit the popular masses.

Under such a social system, the popular masses can never enjoy the true life and happiness. Such a situation also finds its expression in a capitalist society where money decides everything.

The capitalist society which is based on individualism can never properly provide the popular masses with true political rights and freedom intrinsic to a social being. In that society, where the members of the nation are divided into hostile classes and where individual interests are given more precedence than the interests of society, the capitalist class who hold the exclusive possession of everything in society are only concerned about earning money. They are ready to sell out the interests of the country and nation and even do harm to other countries and nations with little hesitation just to make a fortune. For this reason, it is inconceivable that the popular masses can be provided with true political rights and freedom in the capitalist society.

The capitalist class do not allow the popular masses to take part in political activities and the bourgeois state enforces anti-popular politics in conformity with the will and interests of a handful of a reactionary ruling class regardless of the will and demand of the popular masses. As a result, the working class and the popular masses are deprived of not only the state power but also the most fundamental freedom and rights to express their political views, and are only obliged to obey the reactionary ruling class, the capitalist class.

As such, the political rights and freedom of the popular masses, who naturally own the rights to them, are ruthlessly trampled upon in the capitalist society. In this sense, the popular masses can well be said to be socio-politically dead despite being biologically alive. This shows that the "freedom" and "rights", which the capitalist class are clamoring only serve for them to suppress and exploit the working class and the people, and their so-called "democracy" is nothing more than a camouflage to cover up the reactionary nature of the bourgeois dictatorship whose aim is to realize the privileged interests of the capitalist class.

Under the care of the DPRK, which is fundamentally different from the capitalist society, our people are provided with all sorts of political rights and freedom in every aspect.

First of all, they enjoy true political rights and freedom by participating in the state political life provided by political power.

The political power is the one of having a command of all the members of a society for safeguarding the demands and interests of a certain class or society, and is the main factor which decides the characteristic of a social system and its development. Only when the popular masses become the masters of political power, can they carve out their destiny in an independent and creative manner as true masters of the state and society.

Our people's government is the true government of the people which is based on broad sections of working people including workers and peasants. In our country the political power is in the hands of all classes and strata of society who have interests in the revolution, and the people's government provides them with equal political rights and freedom in all fields of state life.

In our country where the people are the masters of the government, all the working people participate in exercising the political power and state management, and are free to conduct all kinds of socio-political activities with equal political rights as equal members of society. Our Republic which regards man as the most valuable being thoroughly guarantees human rights on a legal basis and its violation is strictly forbidden. There is no country in the world as ours which thoroughly guarantees all rights of man such as the right to work, the right to food, clothing and housing and the right to learn and get medical services. Indeed, our people are the happy one as true masters of the people's government, the most superior one in the world, and enjoy and honour their valuable life as true masters of society.

Our people are also leading a dignified life honouring their socio-political life under the love and trust of social collectives. This constitutes an essential part of the dignified and happy life of the popular masses.

The popular masses, by nature, want to live honoring their socio-political life in the love and trust of social collectives, which cannot be realized in an exploitative class society.

The exploitation and oppression of man by man are in fundamental contradiction to the love for and trust in the popular masses, and there cannot be such thing as love and trust between the reactionary exploitative class and the exploited class and between the ruling class and the ruled class.

In the capitalist society, where the worth of a human character is converted into an exchange value and where everything is judged by money and wealth, the love for and trust in the popular masses cannot be thought of.

The capitalist class and their ideological advocates are clamoring about superclass love and trust. This is nothing but a tricky maneuver to cover up the reactionary nature of the capitalist exploitative society and mitigate class contradiction.

In a socialist society, love and trust blossom between the social collective and its members and among individual members of society. They find their expression at the highest level in the relationship between the leader and his soldiers.

A life is the most worthwhile and happy one when the leader and the soldiers, the Party and the people are combined with one another based on love and trust and when the whole society is turned into a socio-political organism.

Under the people-centred socialist system of our own, the relationship of love and trust is embodied and expressed most remarkably in all spheres of social life, and it is chiefly expressed in the loyalty to the leader.

The fact that the leader ardently loves the people and implements the people-centered politics for the interests and happiness of the people, and the people give absolute confidence in the leader and are boundlessly loyal to him is the true reality of the people-centred socialist society of our own. Indeed our people are the happy people, who are enjoying a valuable and dignified life under the care of the Republic while remaining loyal to the leader as they would do to their father.

Another reason why the DPRK becomes the cradle of the eternal life and happiness of our people is that our people are enjoying happy material and cultural life to their hearts' content under the care of our Republic.

Man not only requires to live and develop leading an everlasting socio-political life connected to one another in a social collective as equal masters of society and lead a rich material life in a physically fit and healthy condition but also at the same time, requires to lead a rich spiritual life and make spiritual and cultural advancements. It can be said they are an intrinsic demand of a social human being with independence, creativity and consciousness.

The intrinsic demand of man, the popular masses, to enjoy a dignified and happy life not only socio-politically but also materially, spiritually and culturally is being perfectly realized in the people-centred socialist system, the glorious fatherland of our own.

To begin with, our people are enjoying rich and equal material life under the care of the Republic.

Economic life constitutes the basic area of social life and the position and role of the people in that life is decided by ownership of means of production. Therefore, for the popular masses, to lead a true happy life by having an economic life that conforms to their demands and interests, they should, above all, be the owners of production means. Only when the popular masses become the owners of the production means as well as of state power, can they live and develop as true masters of the state and society free from all sorts of exploitation and oppression.

As the capitalist society is the social system which is based on private ownership of production means, it cannot provide the popular masses with substantial economic life in conformity to their requirements and interests.

Productive activities to produce material wealth can be said to be conducted on a social scale in a capitalist society, too, but, the material wealth, which is the means of living, created by the popular masses through their productive activities is not used to satisfy their own demand but is monopolistically held by the reactionary exploiting class, the capitalist class, and is used in the implementation of their privileged interests. This is because the capitalist class possess the ownership of the means of production.

In the capitalist society which is based on private ownership of the means of production, it is difficult to avoid anarchy and unbalanced development of production, and as the majority of manufactured products are used to satisfy their own demand rather than that of the popular masses, abnormality in people's material life cannot be prevented. This is clearly revealed in today's reality of the capitalist countries in which the majority of working masses are suffering from famine and poverty despite the fact that the capitalist class and their ideological advocates clamor about their "material prosperity".

There is a single social ownership of the means of production in our country and on this basis, the popular masses are leading an independent and creative life as true masters of economic life.

Our socialism thoroughly provides the working masses with the right to work. Our people are provided with stable jobs from the state according to their ability and aptitude, and they do not even know the word "unemployment". This reality is only possible in our socialist society which regards man as the most valuable being and everything in society serves for them.

Thanks to the popular policies of our Party and the Republic, our people are provided from the state with all the necessary conditions for food, clothing and housing and lead an equal and happy life. They are supplied with food from the state at a very low price - almost at no cost and they are enjoying all conditions and benefits in leading a rich material life. Tax system was completely abolished in our country and as a result, the growing generations do not even know what tax is.

In our country, the state takes responsibility for the life of the elderly people, people with disabilities and children who are left with without guardians, and ensures that merited people such as veteran revolutionaries, war veterans and honored disabled soldiers who fought for the sacred cause for the fatherland and people are treated with respect across the whole society and their life is well looked after by the state and the Party. Indeed our people are the happy ones who are enjoying a rich and equal economic life befitting to the intrinsic nature of a social being under the care of the Republic.

In addition to this, our people are enjoying sound and rich ideological and cultural life under the care of the Republic.

The ideological and cultural life takes an important part in social life. Through the ideological and cultural life, people develop independent ideological consciousness and creative abilities, realize various cultural and emotional requirements and develop noble spiritual and moral traits.

In the field of ideological and cultural life, the position and role of man is decided by ownership of state power and the means of production. Those who own the state power and the means of production have in control the ideological and cultural tools such as the mass media, arts and literature and educational institutions and thus takes a dominant position in establishing the ideology and culture in conformity to their will and requirement, whereas those without such ownership find themselves dependent on others, and thus cannot satisfy their ideological and cultural requirements.

As the capitalist society is the one where a tiny handful of the reactionary exploitative class with the state power and the production means decide everything, the ideological and cultural requirement of the popular masses to live and develop in an independent and creative way cannot be realized properly.

The imperialists and the capitalists do not need independent and creative people who are awakened with independent consciousness and developed in an all-round way, but rather slaves who obey them and produce surplus value.

For this reason they stop at nothing to turn the working people into the slaves of capital, and they make the masses ideologically corrupt and deform their creative abilities. Today's reality where the reactionary ideology and culture flood the capitalist society destroying the independent consciousness and paralyzing the creative spirit of the popular masses and corrupt bourgeois way of life prevails in the society further pauperizing people's spiritual and cultural life, clearly shows that people's ideological and cultural demands cannot be realized properly.

Since our Republic regards all the people as true masters of the state power and means of production, it takes responsibility in providing them with a sound and rich ideological and cultural life.

In our socialist society, the working people are developing into powerful beings with independent consciousness and creative abilities.

In our country, which is the country of learning and the country of education where the whole people study, the universal compulsory 12-year education has been successfully enforced and higher education is so developed that the new generations are growing up to be competent personnel who can do one's share in building a thriving nation as required by the Songun era and the IT era.

Study-while-working system is established in an orderly manner so that the working people develop their creative talents while doing work, and an orderly establishment of study system and condition across the whole society enables all the people to enhance their political and practical abilities. In our country all the working people receive free medical care thanks to the free medical care system and enjoy a healthy life.

Today our people's material and cultural life has reached a very high level and in several fields of social life, the ideals of the people have already come into reality.

The socialist culture of the Songun era is in full bloom in our country so that the people are enjoying rich cultural life to their hearts' content.

The fact that fresh examples of mass-based culture and arts and unique musical art work pieces of our own style have been created by our people's army and the working class pervading the whole country with revolutionary cultural and emotional life and brilliant achievements in games have been made in the sports sector giving pleasure to our people clearly shows that people's aspirations and demand to lead a sound and rich cultural and emotional life with an independent consciousness and creative abilities are being successfully met in the DPRK, the glorious fatherland of our own.

In this way, today, our people are enjoying to their hearts' content the independent and creative life in all fields of social life such as politics, the economy and culture as true masters of the state and society under the care of the DPRK.

Our people take an immense pride in and have a warm affection for the present life, which they have created on their own sweat and where they enjoy the true worth as independent human beings, and are devoting their creative passion and wisdom for better life of future generations.

The life our people lead in the DPRK, the glorious fatherland of our own, which was founded by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, had been wisely led by the great generalissimos and is being glorified by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, is the true socialist life free from all sorts of social evils, and is a happy and worthwhile life inconceivable in a corrupt capitalist society where money decides everything and people only seek selfish individual pleasure and comfort.

For this reason our people pride themselves in saying that the DPRK, our fatherland is the true embrace of a mother and the cradle of eternal life and happiness.

Our people are sure to successfully realize the cause of building a thriving socialist country by devoting their heart and soul in their own revolutionary posts entrusted to them with a great pride and self-respect of being citizens of the DPRK, the cradle of their eternal life and happiness.