"As was mentioned in Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne, it was basic Japanese policy to swallow up Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia and then China so as to dominate Asia."
The notorious "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne" is a criminal document of aggression presented to the Japanese king on July 25, 1927, 96 years ago, by Tanaka Kiichi, the then Japanese prime minister, under the title of "Active Imperial Policy on Manchuria and Mongolia."
After the bourgeois revolution called "Meiji Restoration" in 1868, the Japanese militarists, who embarked on the road of capitalist development, occupied Korea as a colony under the pretext of "theory of the conquest of Korea" and made frantic efforts to expand their aggressive moves with this as a springboard. It was the notorious "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne" that was manipulated in the midst of an increase of the Japanese imperialists' ambition for territorial expansion.
At the time of the manipulation of the "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne", the socio-political crisis and economic chaos caused by the catastrophic financial panic increased rapidly in Japan. The Japanese imperialists plotted to find a way out of such a serious crisis in foreign aggression. In April that year they formed a new bellicose reactionary cabinet headed by Tanaka Kiichi, a former military man.
The war maniacs of the Tanaka Cabinet denounced the policies of the former government as "a negative policy" and "fragile ‘national suicide' policy", asserting a more undisguised and aggressive "active policy" and, accordingly, went frantic with the sinister plan for aggression on the continent.
The bellicose reactionary Cabinet held an "eastern meeting" in Tokyo from June 27 to July 7 that year to discuss and confirm a detailed plan for invading the continent and, on this basis, cooked up the "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne".
In "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne" the Japanese imperialists mentioned:
"Manchuria and Mongolia consist of Shenyang, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Inner and Outer Mongolia. Large land and small population of this area make people greedy and also there is no parallel to this in the world in terms of its richness of agricultural produce, mineral and forestry. Therefore, we (Japanese) have invested four hundred and forty million¥ in railways, shipping, mines, forests, iron ore, agriculture, livestock farming, etc. on the purpose of permanent imperial prosperity by developing natural resources, especially establishing the South Manchurian Railway Corporation for coexistence and co-prosperity of Japan and China. This is the largest of all businesses in Japan.
…Three Northeastern Provinces of China are the regions where political situation is very unstable in the Orient, so it is positively necessary to resort to the blood-and-iron policy (war) to protect the other nations as well as the Japan, and then we can overcome the present difficult situation successfully."
Advancing preposterous sophistry above-mentioned, the Japanese imperialists tried desperately to escape from the intensified crisis, by means of the aggressive war against the Manchuria and Mongolia. At the same time, it was outspoken in "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne" that the ambition of Japanese imperialists who tried to occupy Manchuria and Mongolia to dominate Asia including whole China and, furthermore, to achieve world domination, became more and more blatant. It was also revealed through the fact that "In order to occupy China, Manchuria and Mongolia must be first conquered. To occupy the world, we must conquer China first. If China is conquered completely by Japan, other non-conquered nations such as Asia Minor, India and Nanyang will surrender to Japan for fear of us (Japan) and the world will recognize that Japan is the Orient and nobody will never dare provoke Japan."
Moreover, the shameless Japanese imperialists planned to further intensify the colonial rule over Korea and the manoeuver to seize human and material resources in Korea in order to carry out their policy of aggression on the continent in this "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne" and also detailed the way to realize it.
The Japanese imperialists have kept the "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne" in absolute secrecy, for fear of the denunciation of the world people because it reflected their ambition for territorial expansion, and have denied it even since it was disclosed to the world in 1929 by the Chinese side. However, according to this plan of aggression, the Japanese imperialists intensified unprecedentedly the barbarous colonial rule in Korea, and on September 18, 1931, they staged a large-scale invasion of northeastern China, and on July 7, 1937, they made frantic efforts to ignite a Chinese-Japanese war and occupy whole China.
Until the 1940s, Japan's plan for aggression, "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne", which had been a basic national policy of Japan, was further embodied and expanded into the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" and the Japanese imperialists went to provoke the Pacific War to realize it.
The "theory of the conquest of Korea" and the "Tanaka's Memorial to the Throne", and the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" based on them was part of the Japanese imperialists' wild aggressive design for the territorial expansion. However, the defeat of the Japanese imperialists in World War II completely shattered the wild dream of the Japanese militarists.
Nevertheless, instead of drawing a due lesson from the history of their bitter defeat, the Japanese reactionaries are oblivious of it and are continuous to make frantic efforts to realize their ambition for the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere". This is greatly threatening the peace in Asia and other parts of the world and the security of mankind.
The more desperately the Japanese reactionaries try to realize their ambition for aggression at any cost, going against the trend of independence in the present era, the greater the defeat they will face due to strong opposition and rejection by the world people.