Socialism is an ideology of the popular masses who aspire to independence and the ideal of mankind. The mankind has long struggled for socialism and experienced failures and frustrations in the course.
Socialism has been successfully built in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and this is entirely thanks to the Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).
The great leader Comrade
"The Songun-based politics of our Party is a politics the invincibility of which has been verified through severe historical ordeals, and an all-powerful sword for victory in the revolution."
An ideology is accomplished by a politics and it is the politics that guides the social development. Politics is a decisive factor on which hinges the destiny of the popular masses, the rise and fall of a country and nation.
The role of politics in social life is clearly demonstrated in the socialist society, the highest stage in the social development. The socialist cause is pioneered developed and accomplished only by the correct politics.
Songun politics of the DPRK clearly proves this. Songun politics of the WPK is the basic mode of socialist politics that gives top priority to military affairs, and defends the fatherland, revolution and socialism and drives forward the overall socialist construction with the People's Army as the hard core and main force.
Today, Songun politics is a well-rounded political mode, the all-powerful weapon for the victory of socialism in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
This means that the Songun politics is the most powerful weapon to solve all the problems in defending and developing the socialism of Korean style in any adversities.
The struggle for socialism is the highest stage of the struggle as it is aimed at completely realizing the independence of the popular masses. It is accompanied by the vicious maneuvers of the imperialists and the reactionaries to obstruct it.
Socialism is, by nature, opposed to imperialism. It is the aim of socialism to realize the independent demand of man, the popular masses, to live and develop independently; imperialism represses the independence of the popular masses and obstructs the way to realize it. Imperialism is hostile to socialism which defends and realizes the independence of people and makes every possible effort to stifle and frustrate it. Without the determined struggle against imperialism, socialism can neither exist nor develop, and so, the struggle for socialism is, in essence, a class struggle against imperialism.
The powerful weapon to frustrate the maneuvers of the imperialists against socialism and actively push forward the socialist cause is just the force of arms. The Songun politics is based on the principle that the destiny of the country, nation and the popular masses depends on the force of arms of the revolution. It is the mode of politics to strengthen the armed forces and enhance its role to the full.
Of course, there existed different political ideologies in the history of mankind that dealt with the armed forces. However, none of them considered the armed force in relation with the victory of socialism. It was the Juche idea, the Songun idea that closely combined the armed forces with socialism for the first time in history and clarified on a scientific basis that the Songun politics is the all-powerful sword for the victory of socialism.
First, the Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea is the all-powerful sword for the victory of socialism because it makes sure that the maneuvers of the imperialists and the reactionaries against socialism and against the DPRK are thoroughly frustrated and the destiny of the country and nation and socialism is firmly defended.
Since the emergence of socialism in the world, the imperialists have formed the united front against it and so far, made all kinds of villainous maneuvers against socialism in various kinds and methods.
Imperialism uses violence to realize its domination. The exploiting classes have always realized their class domination with violence and made efforts to suppress other countries and nations and socialism with violence as a main means.
The imperialists armed with guns and cannons should be countered with force of arms. If the popular masses are to shape their own destiny and accomplish the socialist cause in acute confrontation with the imperialist forces and in constant danger of war, they strengthen and resort to the force of arms
History has recorded the bitter lessons of several countries which were reduced to ashes by the reckless bombing of the imperialists as they hadn't strengthened their military forces. These are not the events of the distant past, but the stark realities in the current era of modern civilization.
Despite the high-handedness of the imperialists, peace is maintained secured in the DPRK and this victory is absolutely the brilliant fruit of the Songun politics.
Songun politics was enforced as the best option for the DPRK to achieve the decisive victory in acute confrontation with the imperialists and the reactionaries.
As the imperialists were viciously resorting to the maneuvers to stifle socialism with anti-revolutionary forces, defending the country and nation posed as a vital issue that decides the destiny of socialism and the anti-imperialist military front became the forefront in the socialist struggle.
The Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea has strengthened the people's army into the invincible powerful army, thus achieving victory in the anti-imperialist military front and firmly guaranteeing the sovereignty and dignity of the country and socialism.
The situation in the DPRK was severe after the demise of President
In these difficulties, General
The remarkable success achieved in defending socialism under the banner of Songun is that the powerful military forces with nuclear deterrent as the core have been built up.
Today, the DPRK is thoroughly frustrating the vicious maneuvers of the US and its followers to stifle and isolate the country and realizing whatever it is determined to do in accordance with its faith, will and intention. This is entirely thanks to the powerful nuclear deterrent that the President and the General have through their whole life.
The great leader Comrade
The respected Comrade
The WPK's strategic line -- strengthening the defense capabilities of the country with nuclear forces as the core and accelerating the construction of an economic power-- is the treasured sword with which to hasten the building of a thriving socialist country and the reunification of the country and the banner that enables the DPRK to defend the sovereignty and dignity of the country generation after generation.
As long as imperialism exists on the earth, the dignity and honor of the country and nation can be guaranteed from the invasion of the imperialists only by the Songun politics.
Next, the Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea is the all-powerful sword for the victory of socialism because it strengthens the Korean People's Army into the main force of the revolution, vigorously push forward the building of the thriving socialist country with the People's Army as the pillar, the hard core, and achieves the prosperity of the country.
The Songun politics ensures that the maneuvers of the imperialists to stifle and isolate the DPRK are thoroughly frustrated and socialism is firmly defended, the DPRK is developed into an invincible political and military power, and the building of the thriving socialist country is dynamically propelled.
The DPRK, a small country, is firmly defending the country and socialism and demonstrating the dignity and might of a political and military power. It is also developing to a socialist economic power. This is a great miracle performed by the Songun politics.
The Songun politics, above all, enables that the driving force of the revolution is strengthened with the People's Army as the hard core and the pillar.
The major factor in the victory of socialism lies in intensifying the driving force of the revolution and enhancing its role. The destiny of the revolution depends on strengthening the driving force of the revolution and enhancing its role.
What's important here is which class or group is regarded as the core unit. The revolutionary ranks can only be strengthened when the main force of the revolution is rightly chosen.
Unlike the preceding revolutionary ideas of the working class, the revolutionary idea of Songun regards the revolutionary army as the main force.
Because of the important position and role in the revolution and construction, the revolutionary idea, high spiritual power and revolutionary mettle that the revolutionary army has, it can lead the other social groups in all fields of social life and propel the revolutionary struggle and construction.
The Songun politics, regarding the revolutionary army as the main force, develops it into the army strong in ideology and faith and faithful to the Party's leadership, and guarantees the unity of the party and army. It regards the revolutionary soldier spirit as the revolutionary spirit to be learned after by all the members of society, thus intensifying the driving force of the revolution.
Thanks to the Songun politics, the .unity of the entire service personnel and people based on one ideology and will has been fully intensified in the DPRK and the whole country has developed into the fortress of powerful politics of independence and the socialist political power which no enemies dare attack.
Next, the Songun politics enables that the socialist construction is propelled dynamically with the People's Army as the pillar and model.
The most powerful and the only weapon in the revolution and construction is the ideology. Man is the master of everything and decides everything. The role of the popular masses in the revolution and construction is determined by their ideology.
The building of the thriving socialist country is now taking place in the worst circumstance of increasing difficulties and hardships. The best weapon to achieve victory is to embody the conviction of sure victory and will of the People's Army.
The Songun politics enables the people to overcome all those hardships and difficulties and push forward the building of the thriving country with the offensive spirit and the inflexible revolutionary idea of the People's Army.
The revolutionary army makes sure that miracles are wrought in the construction of socialism by taking in charge of the most difficult and important sectors in the socialist construction and making breakthroughs with a high sense of revolutionary spirit and fighting style. When the revolutionary army stands in the van and the army and the entire people are untied as one and struggle with the revolutionary spirit and mettle of the army, the power is immense, and only then, can the victory of the revolution be achieved.
The first order of General
The People's Army made breakthroughs in the most difficult sectors of the national economy, built many monumental structures and modern factories and has provided the solid foundation for the building of a thriving country.
The great leader Comrade
The revolutionary soldier spirit and the fighting style serve the powerful propellant that greatly encourages the people to create new miracles. In the course of learning after the revolutionary soldier spirit and embodying it, the Kanggye spirit was created and the flames of Songgang and Ranam blazed up. The entire army and people waged a heroic struggle with the do-or-die spirit of the soldiers under the Songun leadership of Comrade
Indeed, the Songun politics strengthens the political, military and economic power of the country to the maximum and ensures the building of the political, military and economic power. It becomes the definite guarantee for the socialist construction.
Today's reality in which the DPRK is demonstrating its dignity as the "homeland of Songun politics" clearly shows that the Songun politics is surely the all-powerful sword that defends the sovereignty and dignity of the country with the invincible military power and guarantees the building of the construction of a socialist country that people have long desired to build.
Songun is the proud tradition of the Korean revolution and the banner of victory and glory.
The more viciously the imperialists maneuver to stifle the DPRK, the more it will hold fast to the Songun politics as the all-powerful sword for victory of the revolution, give fullest play to its might and surely build the thriving socialist country.