
"Keep the Revolutionary Faith to Death"


The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"Only those with firm revolutionary faith can follow the road of revolution to the end and feel proud before the country and the people."

The Korean people are dynamically advancing under the leadership of the respected General Secretary, bravely breaking through all the challenges and trials of history along the road of the Juche revolution pioneered in Mt. Paektu.

What is the great motive force that makes them brave along the road chosen by themselves in the worst adversity where others would have fallen tens of hundreds of times?

The answer to this question lies on a firm faith in the victory of the revolution.

"Keep the revolutionary faith to death"

Slogans written on barked trees
Photo. Slogans written on barked trees by the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters intensifying the revolutionary faith

The slogan-bearing tree which is standing on the revolutionary battle site in Mt. Madu reflects the mental world of the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters who were willing to fight to the last following the guidance of the President.

In the crucible of the hard-fought anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, even in the biting cold of around 40℃ below zero, or in the life-and-death trials the only faith they had in their hearts was that as long as they had the President as their leader, they would be victorious without fail.

Revolutionary faith is a noble mind that combines the validity of the revolutionary cause led by the leader and the will to fight to the last for its victory.

With this revolutionary faith, they pictured their hometowns and a new country where the people would be the masters of the state, and they fought to liberate the country.

The indomitable faith and will of the fighters were the motive force for the courage of the unyielding spirit in every battle with a strong determination to defeat the enemy even though they may die.

Keep the revolutionary faith to death.

This is still a driving force in the sacred today's advance for a fresh victory in the building of a powerful socialist country, overcoming ordeals and difficulties in the face of unprecedented ideological efforts.

Whenever difficult, the Korean people are creating proud miracles and feats at their posts and worksites, bearing in mind the heroic history of the anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners.

The people are confident about their final victory as they hold the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in high esteem, peerlessly great man, as their leader.

All the Korean people and service personnels are now greatly encouraged to strive for the victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche, bearing the slogan "Keep the revolutionary faith to death!" in mind.