At present, the Workers' Party of Korea is channelling Party-wide and nationwide efforts into the prevention of the global disaster of COVID-19 by giving top priority to it. The 14th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea which was held in July 2020 reviewed the work done for the past six months to prevent the world-sweeping malignant epidemic and discussed the issue of further consolidating the present anti-epidemic situation by intensifying the national emergency infectious disease prevention work and the issue of speeding up the construction of the Pyongyang General Hospital and taking measures to provide personnel, materials and technology needed for medical service.
This clearly showed the essence of the trait of the Party which works devotedly for the people by valuing them most.
Making selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people is the mode of existence and revolutionary trait of the WPK and the political philosophy of the respected Comrade
The respected Comrade
"The whole Party will conduct its building and activities only as instructed by the great President and General, and make selfless, devoted efforts for the benefit of the people by thoroughly applying the people-first principle to its overall work, thereby enhancing its fighting efficiency in every way possible."
The trait of a political party is developed and consolidated by the party in the historical process of building it and leading the revolution and construction. It is just the habits of party work and life that are manifested daily, not temporarily.
There are lots of political parties in the world and not a few of them bear the word "people" in their names. But it is only the WPK that sets it as its mission and basic task to make infinitely devoted efforts for the benefit of the people and prioritize and absolutize their interests and demands and as its mode of existence, fighting spirit and trait to ensure that the work for the good of them runs through the whole process of Party building and activities.
It is because ours is a party which is at the service of the people and which sprouted from and has grown on the vast fertile soil called the "people". The red flag of the WPK carries the hammer, sickle and writing brush symbolizing the masses of the people and the WPK rallied the people behind it to establish a new democratic state on this land which was beset by colonial backwardness and built a powerful army as well. The WPK established the noble outlook on the people of the great leaders who regarded the people as their teachers and Heaven as its trait and solved all problems arising in the revolution and construction by relying on the masses and led them along the road of victory by relying on their inexhaustible strength.
Our Party is a revolutionary party which became experienced and seasoned in the course of advance and struggle in the face of a mountain of hardships.
The trait of a revolutionary party should be to make selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people regarding them as the most precious beings. A revolution is made for the people and advanced on the strength of their unity. Only when it fights devotedly for them and resolve all the problems by relying on them can the party enjoy the absolute support and confidence of the people and advance along the road of victory.
The history of struggle of our Party has testified to this and the present reality in which the lives and safety of the people are reliably guaranteed amid the global disaster has proved in practice how the trait of our Party that devotedly serves the people is being demonstrated.
This Party trait of devoted service is manifested in its giving top priority to the well-being of the people.
The leadership of the WPK over the revolution and construction is all aimed at meeting the independent demand of the people and serving their interests. The building of the government, army, economy and culture is to defend their dignity and destiny and provide them with a happy life. It is the Party's steadfast stand that no other revolutionary work is more important than safeguarding the well-being of the people and their life and safety.
The world-sweeping COVID-19 that broke out in December 2019 is getting more rampant as it infects and kills lots of people. The spread of the virus has inflicted tremendous agony and loss on the world and many countries bitterly regret having neglected anti-epidemic work.
Only the WPK which has the trait of devoted service for the people put it forward as the most important affair to protect the people's well-being, lives and safety from the world pandemic and exercised leadership of foresight, thereby creating the present stable situation.
This year, we have been faced with gigantic tasks and lots of problems to solve.
At the Fifth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Party Central Committee, our Party decided to wage a courageous offensive for frontal breakthrough to smash the hostile forces' desperate offensive before inspiring all the Party members and other people to implement it. Our Party was faced with many matters of concern and problems to solve as it assumed heavy responsibility for leading the revolution along the road of victory while braving constant challenges and difficulties. Nevertheless, it gave absolute priority to defending the destiny of the people. Already at the onset of the world epidemic, it foresaw the possibility of its danger to the people's well-being, lives and safety and set the infectious disease prevention work as an urgent task before anything else. During the past six months alone, it convened the Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and other major meetings on different occasions to take responsible and substantial measures to protect the people's safety and improve their living standards. The noble love for the people of our Party which never hesitates to make crucial policy decisions for their well-being and spares nothing to bring them happiness touched the heartstrings of everyone and encouraged them to uninterruptedly make miraculous achievements in the frontal offensive to achieve a breakthrough.
The 14th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and an emergency enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee held on July 25 2020 served as a significant occasion when it clarified its steadfast stand not to allow any slightest conceit and concession and demonstrated to the whole world its trait of making selfless, devoted efforts for the people.
The 14th enlarged meeting reviewed the national emergency infectious disease prevention work done until then and stressed the need for all the sectors and units to further strengthen the emergency anti-epidemic work till the danger of the inroads of the epidemic completely disappears without being intoxicated by self-complacency and slackening vigilance over the ongoing good anti-epidemic situation. The emergency gathering on July 25 adopted a relevant decision to show once again before the world how much effort the WPK directs to safeguard the people.
For the WPK whose trait is to devotedly serve the people, their well-being can never be bartered for any great economic success or profits and their lives are more precious than any untold wealth.
The trait is expressed in sparing nothing for the good of the people.
It demands that no economic gain be considered first in planning and carrying out any work for the good of the people and that even a star be plucked from the sky or flowers be brought into bloom even on a rock if they desire that.
There was a world-startling blasting in the heart of Pyongyang on March 17 2020 when the world was beset by anxiety and fear. Around the world at that time, living conditions were deteriorating and there was widespread concern over the spread of the world pandemic. In those circumstances, our Party decided to build a superb healthcare facility equipped with world-class medical service conditions in the capital city and signalled the start of the construction project.
It might not have been so surprising if the construction was launched at the time of abundance when the country had favourable conditions. However, our Party made up its mind to build the large-scale modern medical service facility for the people by expending the country's coffers regardless of unfavourable conditions and ensures that the construction is pressed on at the highest possible standard by mobilizing strong construction forces. The hospital construction project is the fruition of the Party's decision and will to lay a springboard in creating valuable assets for providing the people with a healthy life and in consolidating and developing the socialist public health system by building the modern hospital.
The 14th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Seventh Central Committee of the Party took powerful state measures for quickly discussing and solving problems arising in the construction of the general hospital.
The hospital that will rise in the heart of the capital will be a monument that demonstrates the spirit of our country which vigorously advances towards a better future neutralizing the manoeuvres of hostile forces and the unyielding situation of our revolution.
The image of the Party making selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people stands out and touches the hearts of all at hard times more than in ordinary days. The Korean people keenly realize through their life experience the WPK's trait as they receive the news of emergency enlarged and other meetings of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee.
To be under the leadership of such a party is a source of great pride and happiness for the Korean people. They will more firmly unite under the flag of the WPK that cares for them most to fully demonstrate the might of single-hearted unity to the whole world.