It is one of the important issues of fundamental significance in accomplishing the cause of independence of the masses of the people to scientifically solve the issue of linking the destiny of socialism with that of the nation. Only when this issue is correctly solved, would it be possible to build socialism true to achieving everlasting prosperity of the nation with triumphant advance of the cause of socialism and to shape the destiny of the masses, the country and nation successfully.
The Juche idea, for the first time in history, shed a fresh, scientific light on the essence of the nation and its position and role in social development, and on the basis of that, set forth an original idea of linking the destiny of socialism with that of the nation.
When we say we link the destiny of socialism with that of the nation, we mean, in essence, that the struggle for achieving the independence of the masses of the people is carried out along with the struggle for the independent development of the country and nation as a unified process. It means, in other words, that the process of development and completion of a socialist society is turned into the process of realizing the class desire and interests of the masses of the people, and at the same time, the process of achieving prosperity and development of the country and nation.
The idea of linking the destiny of socialism with that of the nation is a valid one that most correctly reflects the lawful requirement of shaping the destiny of the masses and accomplishing the cause of socialism.
It is a valid idea because, first of all, it is based on a scientific analysis of the important place the realization of the independence of the country and nation takes in achieving the masses' independence.
The realization of the independence of the country and nation is a prerequisite for realizing the independence of the masses.
The country and nation is the most comprehensive and solid unit or group of social life formed over the long period of the development of social history.
The country and nation comprises a certain territory and all social groups that belong to it, together with classes or strata of people. Classes or strata of people comprise a certain or partial members of a nation, whereas the country and nation comprises all the classes and strata of people, which suggests that no classes or strata can exist beyond the bounds of a country or nation.
The country and nation is based on such unbreakable blood relations and has been formed over the long period of the development of social history as a solid integral whole that it is everlasting.
The country and nation is a group that exists forever and develops regardless of the change of social systems or regimes. However, classes or strata, as groups formed by the relations of ownership of state power and means of production, cannot be permanent. According to who holds the state power and means of production, a class can rule or be ruled, and thus, cannot be permanent and its position could vary over the course of a certain historical process.
A nation is permanent, whereas a class is not. A class is a social group whose existence is brought to an end in a certain period of history. Therefore, a nation always comes prior to and takes precedence over classes. The desire and interests of a class or stratum belong to that of a nation, and only when the desire and interests of a nation are met, can that of a class be met. As a class is one part of a nation, the activities and struggle of the classes take place within the extent of the overall activities of a nation and are influenced by them.
As shaping the destiny of different classes depend on shaping the destiny of a nation, realization of national independence is a prerequisite for realizing the independence of different classes. When a country and nation is under subordination, the masses of the people too cannot help falling into slavery. The cause of independence of the masses and that of socialism cannot be thought of separated from a country and nation, and without achieving the independence of the country and nation, the independence of the masses cannot be realized. The masses of the people can successfully shape their destiny according to their desire and demand only when the independence and independent development of the country and nation are guaranteed.
Herein lies one of the important reasons for linking the destiny of socialism with that of a nation, and the validity of its idea.
It is a valid idea because, secondly, it is based on a scientific analysis of the role played by a country and nation in people's social life and in shaping the destiny of the masses of the people.
The country and nation plays the role as a main unit of people's social life and shaping their destiny.
The country and nation is the base of people's life and a main unit of shaping the destiny of the masses of the people. People lead their social life and history develops with the country and nation as a main unit. The struggle of the masses for independence and the building of socialism is also carried out with the country and nation as a unit.
The country and nation, through the long course of its history, has existed and developed as a main unit of people's social life. It is a main pattern of people's life to form a nation-state and lead a life regardless of the change in social systems. In today's era, too, where society is developing and contacts and exchanges between nations are getting closer, the country and nation plays the role as a main unit of social life.
There are two tendencies in simultaneous operation in the development of nations where, on one hand, the independence and sovereignty of a nation strengthens, and on the other hand, contacts and exchanges between nations develop. However, even until today, these two tendencies operate with the former as the main force.
The country and nation not only is the main unit of people's social life but also plays the role as the main unit where people's destiny is shaped and history created.
Creative activities for shaping the destiny of the people and activities for independence are carried out in three domains. One of them is the work of transforming society, another, transforming people and the other, transforming nature. People change politics through the work of transforming society, achieve cultural progress through the work of transforming people and develop the economy through the work of transforming nature.
Even until today history, politics, the economy and culture develop with the country and nation as a unit.
As history is created, the destiny of the masses, shaped and their independence, realised with the country and nation as the main unit, the destiny of socialism cannot be separated from that of a nation, and that they should be linked into one.
Herein lies the other aspect of the validity of the idea of linking the destiny of socialism with that of a nation.
The immortal Juche idea, for the first time in history, has originally clarified the idea of linking the destiny of socialism with that of a nation, and thus, has provided a great guideline for strengthening and developing socialism into a cause of national independence for the independent development and prosperity of a nation.
Truly thanks to the immortal Juche idea, socialism could be consolidated and developed into one that is true to the country and nation and that is invincible with a sound class and national basis.
Today, our socialism, which is thoroughly adhering to and implementing the Juche character and national character in the revolution and construction, remains unperturbed braving through all challenges and isolate-stifle attempts of the imperialist reactionaries of the world, thus demonstrating the invincible power of single-hearted unity of the entire army and people firmly rallied behind the respected Comrade