
Legendary Tales of Affection Left in Yuphyong-Ri


The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"In Yuphyong-ri Comrade Kim Il Sung unfolded an operation for overcoming the prevailing difficulties and switching over to a counterstrike on all fronts to annihilate the enemy in such a trying period, instilling faith in sure victory in the hearts of the officers and men of the People's Army and leaving legendary tales of affection for the people."

The immortal exploits President Kim Il Sung performed for the great victory of Juche Korea in the arduous days of the war by dint of love and trust are also associated with the legendary tales of affection for the people left in Yuphyong-ri.

Yuphyong Revolutionary Site
Photo. Yuphyong Revolutionary Site

On October 25, Juche 39 (1950), the most difficult period of the Fatherland Liberation War, President Kim Il Sung saw to it that the temporary command post of the Supreme Headquarters was moved to Changsong and visited the cottage in Yuphyong-ri around 3 o'clock on October 26.

When the members of his suite tried to wake up the host, the President told them not to because he could be surprised if they came in at night.

As the members of his suite felt sorry, the President told them that there was rice straw in the field and they could smell the savory aroma and warm themselves on it. He went on to say that it was good to sleep on the straw during the guerrilla warfare days against Japanese imperialists.

The President stayed up all night outdoors for the family members who were fast asleep while maturing a new plan for annihilating the enemy. The host was so surprised and sorry to recognize him too late, so the host shed tears, feeling the clothes of President wet with dew.

The President had a simple and frugal life in the cottage of Yuphyong-ri as normal.

The President never let them cook boiled rice or special dishes and repeatedly told the members of his suite to check if they had done any damage while using the kitchen when they left. A few years later he visited Changsong County and remembered the host of the cottage in Yuphyong-ri and inquired after his health though he was busy with on-site guidance.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who visited Yuphyong Revolutionary Site, recalled with deep emotion the story associated with the cottage in Yuphyong-ri. He said that this was a legendary tale of affection that only the President could leave, adding that there is no such a man in the world as the President.

Therefore, our people and service personnel of the People's Army say that October 26, Juche 39 (1950), when President Kim Il Sung left legendary tales of affection for the people in Yuphyong, is an unforgettable day in the history of the Workers' Party of Korea.