The whole country are full of yearning for President
The respected Comrade
It was August 4th, Juche 37 (1948).
After receiving a detailed report on his work with the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of that country,
At that time, the work with the delegation of the country was to be concluded basically and a contract was to be signed at once, but the relevant side proposed to send more fishermen while presenting new collaborations in a region of its country which had not been agreed upon at first
The issue of sending our fishermen to other countries was a serious matter related to the dignity of our country newly founded and the independent rights of the citizens.
If a wrong contract was signed, the interests of the workers of the DPRK who became citizens of a dignified sovereign state could be encroached upon as opposed to the past when they had been abused by employers as they had no elementary democratic freedom and rights.
But until then nobody paid any attention to such matters because of the joy of national liberation and the daily growing happiness.
When we had been asked to send more fishermen to that country, the President said that the contract should be carefully made and that the fishermen in our country should be treated as citizens of a sovereign state and receive privileges while working in that country. He continued to say that it had to be agreed in consideration of each clause one by one so that our workers could receive privileges as citizens of a sovereign state.
Upon receiving the instructions of the President, the official was greatly moved.
The President regarded the people who had been forced to do slavery work labor under all sorts of maltreatment and humiliation and who had been buried in foreign lands as proud citizens of a sovereign state, and saw everything from the standpoint of the Korean people's interests. His profound intention was reflected in his love for the country, the nation and people.
He continued: As our country, a sovereign state, is fundamentally different from that in the past when people were sold abroad, it is necessary to establish a correct orientation and ways to conclude a contract on the principle of closely cooperating with each other with equal rights.
Looking up to the President who loved the nation most and regarded the people as heaven, the official keenly felt that the President was the genuine patriot who valued and upheld his country, nation and people as the best.