The great leader Comrade
"After socialist industrialization the great leader
Looking back on the years of history, the word "women" has meant the victim of discrimination and contempt.
Korea had predominance of men over women and had been occupied by the Japanese imperialists for 40 years, which means that women did not have the proper right until the middle of the 20th century when the world was being civilized on a high level.
It was the great leader who gave serious consideration to this.
After the liberation of the country, President
I would like to tell here the legend of the love of the President who devoted his paternal efforts to a lesser-known rice factory in order to free the Korean women from the heavy burden of family work.
It was a Sunday in June, Juche 58 (1969).
That day the President personally visited Jungsong Rice Cooking Shop though he was really busy dealing with all the national affairs.
First, the President came into the mill and watched the noodles being squeezed out. After that he entered the rice cake room.
At that moment, an employee was cutting a long band of white rice cake from the machine with a kitchen knife.
After looking at it for a while, the President pointed out that it is necessary to make the corn mill a little bigger and mechanize the production process.
When the officials and employees heard the teaching of the President, their eyes became wet with deep thoughts.
The love of the father, who tried to mechanize even a simple process of cutting rice cake, to ease the workload of the employees, made their hearts too full for words.
He went into the hazy rice-cooking shop and watched cooker, spatula and other utensils. Coming out to the garden, he asked about the number of employees, the range of salary for them and whether they were all women. He also asked how the noodles were supplied, what if people asked noodles without bringing flour, what kind of flour they brought to the shop, how much the noodles were, and how much they paid for the boiled rice when they exchange it with rice, and other conditions
Learning about the supply method and processing cost of various foods, the balance of income and expenditure of the people, and whether the rice cooking shop meets its end he said that it is more important to make our women free from the heavy burden of domestic work.
From olden times, it has been believed that women are responsible for the housework.
What's more, cooking was considered to be women's duty, even when you give it a quick thought.
But the President provided all kinds of facilities, including nurseries, kindergartens, laundry houses, in all places of the country, so that women could conduct social activities at their will, and he made such efforts to ease the burden of cooking which has been a proper mission for a woman as a housewife.
Indeed, the great love of President
Thanks to the legendary love given by the peerlessly great men generation after generation, the Korean women are adding brilliance to their true life as the most dignified and the happiest women in the world.