
Emblem of the Workers' Party of Korea Designed by President Kim Il Sung in Person


World people admire the fact that the Workers' Party of Korea has not only a hammer and a sickle but also a writing brush included in its own flag.

The emblem of the WPK was designed by President Kim Il Sung in person.

Regarding it as an important link in the whole chain of founding a mass party of the working people to decide on the emblem of the Party, he paid special attention to the work.

Chairman Kim Jong Il said:

"The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung actively admitted revolutionary intellectuals to the revolutionary ranks during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. When he founded our Party after national liberation, he identified intellectuals as one of the main components of our Party membership along with the workers and peasants, and took an unheard-of, historic measure of having a writing brush, together with a hammer and a sickle, included in the Party emblem."

After the work to create the design began in late July, Juche 35 (1946), President Kim Il Sung met officials concerned to inquire into the situation.

The officials presented to the President some draft designs of the Party emblem which had been made so far.

There were some designs such as depicting a worker with the hammer in his hand together with a plowing peasant, drawing a worker as a smelter with a metal rod in his hand and even imitating a foreign national flag.

Looking at the designs carefully, he said that the emblem of the Party should be of a specific character, and that only then could the special quality of the Party be expressed well. He continued that the biggest defect in the designs was that they portrayed only workers and peasants, excluding intellectuals, which was made because they hadn't known well about the mass character of the Workers' Party.

To tell the truth, at that time, the officials portrayed only workers and peasants, excluding the intellectuals just as they did in other countries, out of the desire to make designs quickly.

Informing them of the shortcomings of the designs in detail, the President said that the Party emblem should be depicted together with the working class, peasants and intellectuals, only then could the Workers' Party symbolize the unified party of the masses of working people embracing the progressive elements of the working class, peasants and intellectuals.

He personally gave instructions on the details of the design of the Party's emblem saying that workers, peasants and intellectuals could be portrayed with a hammer, a sickle and a pen but it would be better to depict a writing brush in our own way and a hammer and a sickle of our own rather than imitating other countries' models.

A few days later, looking at the new design, President Kim Il Sung pointed out that because of giving priority to the idea of putting the working class, peasants and intellectuals in order, it looked loose and scattered as a whole.

He continued that in order to symbolize the firm unity of the working masses of Korea including the working class, peasants and intellectuals, as well as for composition, a hammer, a sickle and a writing brush should be crossed each other in the middle of the helve, with the hammer on the left and the sickle on the right and the writing brush in the center.

After thinking for a while, he said it would be good to put the writing brush in the middle and get it up slightly above the others. He explained that drawing the writing brush a little higher meant that all the workers and peasants should contribute to the building of a prosperous and civilized, independent and sovereign state by possessing a high level of knowledge and culture in the future.

He found his precious time to see the adapted design again.

After having a close look at the design, President Kim Il Sung said that if a mixture of hammer and sickle helves and the writing brush handle were drawn in the design as now, it would be impossible to know the order in which they were placed, and pointed out that a line of distinction should be drawn to divide the helve and the handle respectively so that everyone could clearly see the order in which a hammer, a sickle and a writing brush were placed in the Party emblem.

The President added that a line of hammer should be fully drawn to indicate that it was at the foremost, and that a line of sickle should be cut only at the place where the hammer helve is placed so that it could be seen next to the hammer helve.

He drew the point where the helve of hammer and sickle crossed on a piece of white paper with a pencil in person, with a writing brush handle in the middle so that a line of brush handle was invisible hidden from the point where hammer and sickle helves crossed.

Indeed, the writing brush handle was seen to be put behind a hammer and a sickle at a glimpse.

President Kim Il Sung said that it would be good to work out detailed regulations for the flag and emblem of the Party and the mutual proportional relations between a hammer, a sickle and a writing brush of the Party emblem on the basis of that design.

Thanks to his wise guidance, the emblem of the Workers' Party of Korea was born depicting all the working people of Korea.

The hammer, the sickle and the writing brush on the emblem of the Workers' Party of Korea will be handed down to posterity as the symbol of the unity of the working people.